My new parents

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Once again I’m here standing around everyone taking a glance at me and then leaving oh well. I went to my dorm room to go get my phone and listen to macklemore, I love him so much. My friend Estrella came up to me and told me about some band that was here to adopt. I could care less I mean who the fuck is going to give a shit about me no one that's who so why should I care.'' Ello love what your name'' I heard an Irish voice call me.

Caps-  Cher

lowercase the guys


Niall- My name is Niall Horan does that name ring a bell.


NIALL- I’ll be right back oh and by the way nice piercings



Once I meet Cher I knew that she was the one yah she may have that badass look. But she looks like the only girl who isn't going to give a shit about not giving a shit that were from One Direction.

Hey guys i have the perfect girl her name is Cher and it looks like she is the only girl here who doesn’t give a flying fuck that were one direction

first of all cool it with the language and second of all lets go see who this girl is Niall all the other girls just want autographs and want us to adopt them because were one direction they don’t want to get to know us for us Liam said

As I made my way through all the children I wanted to know why Cher was here she seemed like such a nice and sweet girl why would she be here but then again things always happen and you can’t do anything about it but when I went back to see where she was she was gone. “ so niall where is this girl you were talking about’’ Zayn asked “ um I have no idea she was just here a moment ago but let me go ask Mrs. Suzie she would know where she is”.

Hello Mrs. Suzie I was wondering were Cher is I would really like the guys to meet her

Oh she must be in the dance room u go up the stairs turn to the left and go to the last room in the hallway

Okay thank you very much come on guys lets go find her

Mrs. Suzie was right there was Cher and some other guy dancing to disturbia by Rihanna (I know old song but I love it)

Wow Niall I don’t know she seems pretty bad ass if you ask me Louis and Harry said at the same time

Come on guys just give her a chance she’s not that bad



 Once niall left I knew that he wasn’t going to come back so I found my dance partner Jake and we went to practice our dance routines at first we only practiced our dance routine to These Four Walls by: Little Mix and then we got into our dance routine to Rihanna. That when I noticed 5 people come on probably just some kids from the orphanage. Once we stopped I turned around and notices that it was Niall along with four other boys

Hey Niall what are you doing here

Oh I was telling the lads here about you and they wanted to these are my bandmates Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam

Hi guys I’m Cher

Hello Cher I really like you and I would really like to adopt what you think Liam said

I would love to be adopted by you guys

Okay then I guess we should go ask Mrs. Suzie and we will be on our way.

Liam P.O.V

              Mrs. Suzie we were wondering if we could adopt Cher

Well of course you can you guys just have to fill out some paperwork and my I ask who will be the legal guardian of her.

How about you niall you were the one who picked her out.

Really I would love to. Niall said

Okay then as part of the process I have to tell u guys why Cher is here well we know that Cher’s mom never told her father that she was pregnant and when she told her parents. Her parents disowned her and kicked her out. Cher’s mom had some complications giving birth and she died giving birth to her.

Wow I would have thought that she gave her away but I was completely wrong

Yes me now sad right anyways let me call her up and just saying she has a cursing problem. Cher come to my office with you bags packed.

After about 30 minutes there was a knock on the door. Come in Mrs. Suzie said.

 The door opened and there was Cher. Hi Mrs. Suzie you called me she said.

Oh yes im sure you meet these guys and they have adopted you so do u have all your bags packed

Yes I do but can I just go say bye to Jake and Estrella

Of course take as long as you need Zayn said.

15 mines later

Okay im ready to leave Cher said

Okay it’s a 2 hour drive to London so you can sleep in the car

Okay I have comfy close anyways

2 hours later

Cher feel asleep pretty quickly we didn’t want to wake her up so we just took her up to her room hope she doesn’t freak out when she wakes up.

Adopted by One directionWhere stories live. Discover now