°•Chapter One•°

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If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We've been waiting for this all our lives~Ted


"Blake...", I heard the faint sound of someone calling my name. They sounded so far away yet I felt a presence besides me, but I didn't know what it was. "Blake!...", The sound gotten louder. "Blake!", I heard louder in my ear. I sat up quickly in my bed and saw my dad stitting down on the edge of my bed looking at me with a straight face like I've just gotten in trouble. Although he wasn't my real dad. He was my adoption dad. He was the closes thing to a dad that I had. He was in his lab coat like usual with his smartie scientist glasses on. He was here to wake me up like he usually does every morning for school since I didn't have the mom to fill the job anymore.

"Blake. Come on time to get ready for school", he said in his hella deep voice. Let's just say he sounds like fucking batman if he was sick and had strep throat.

I nodded in agreement and he left me in my room to change. I put on my black sleeveless t shirt with "Trouble Maker, Heart Breaker" on it, knee high converse, camo shorts, and black beanie along with accessories like earrings, and bracelet (Photo Above). I looked at myself in the mirror. My black hair with a little bit of blonde streaks in it, icy blue eyes, I put in my septum piercing and my lip piercing in.

Although me and my adoption dad weren't close he is the only thing that I have left. My mom died, my dad's in jail, and my adoption dad's wife died a year before I moved in with him. He wasn't the most talkative, or loving person, but he was an amazing dad and he took good care of me.

I jogged down the stairs, down the hall passing my dads office, but it was also the basement. I stopped and stared at the door. The door was different from all the other doors. Every other door was white, but this one was a dark gray. I got bad vibes from that room. Although I don't know what is it since my dad told me to never ever go inside I had a feeling it was something bad. I got caught in my thoughts until I heard my dad call me to the kitchen.

My dad was making pancakes along with his morning coffee.

"You're gonna be late if you don't leave now", the sound in his voice sounded so batman like. I asked him if I could call him Bruce, but he said no. Typical.

I grabbed my bag and walked to school. As I walked to school a bunch of douche bag jocks were in their red shitty truck that they mostly like got from there asshole of a dad, but little did they know that they were gonna be bitten by a bunch of snotty undead cheerleaders.


Once I got to the hell hole of school I sat outside waiting for my best friend, Jayden, he was my bisexual smol bean. I put my ear buds in and played Boomrang by The Summer Set. Jayden was my best friend since 3rd grade when we bonded over beef jerky on a class field trip then from here on out we've been best friends.

Flashback sequence
I just moved in with Mr. Dad and it was my first day of third grade. He was new to this dad stuff so he didn't know what to pack for my lunch. He packed me tune sandwich, cook carrots, along with brussel sprouts. I was at lunch starving that when Jayden came along with a bag of beef jerky.

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