Chapter 1

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How the hell will i survive here?

"Goodbye Louane!" my brother said with water in his eyes, he is not the most emotional person on the planet but i think he'll miss me.

"Goodbye baby!!" my sister Claudia said sobbing.

"Bye Lou-Lou!! And don't forget to call sometimes you little devil!" my sister Olivia said, crying her ass off.

"Take care of yourself honey! And as Olivia said, don't forget to call, you know what you mean to us. We'll miss you." My other sister Helen said crying as well. Then all of my sisters hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. My brother didn't join the group hug but he hugged me later.

My siblings are the world to me, and I am the world to them, our dad died when i was 16 and my mom 2 years later, so there's only me and my siblings. I am the youngest in my family, they're quite older than me. In fact my brother is 20 years older than me, my mom gave birth to him when she was only 17 and my dad was 18, they were quite young, but desperately in love, only death teared them apart in the end. My mom was so in love with my dad and when he died, she was truly heart broken, I remember when we were at the hospital and the doctor said to us that our father died, my mom immediately collapsed, physically and emotinaly. Just to feel that he was with her afterwards, she took her and his wedding ring and glued them together, she was wearing their wedding rings till the day she died. After her death we took the wedding rings and kept them so we can feel that they're with us as well. Since I was going to study in the UK and I would be the only child that would leave home and go that far away, I begged them to give me the rings and I would wear them till I come back home, I wanted the rings so I can feel that my parents are with me in this new beggining. After a lot of begging and some threats from my siblings they finally let me to have them while I'll be alone in another country.

Oh, I didn't tell you about my siblings though. My brother is my oldest sibling and he is 20 years older than me, many people mistake him as my father, but it doesn't matter because he is sort of like my father, i see him more as my dad than a brother. His name is John, he is currently 40, he is married with 2 children, two boys, to be honest, i don't really like his wife but It's his life and he can whatever he want with it. My oldest sister is 16 years older than me, her name is Helen, she is married as well with a daughter. My older sister Claudia is 11 years older than me, she is engaged and my last older sister is Olivia, she is just 7 years older than me. My family is from England, I was born in Plymouth. Due to economical struggles, none of my siblings got the chance to study at a university, so they all worked hard so i can get an education at a university, i studied my ass off as well.

I applied for UCL (University College London) and thank god i got accepted, it is one of the best universities in the UK! I can not express my happiness that i finally got the chance to study what i love in my dream university. I am about to study English Literature, my favorite thing in the universe.

"Lou, be careful, this is not Plymouth, this is London, the people are different here." my brother said.

"Relax John, I am not a little girl anymore, I know how to take care of myself, I am a woman now" I said.

"That's why I am nervous, you are a full grown woman now, you are not a little girl, people will treat you differently, I know I'm being annoying but for real, be careful. Do you know what will happen if something happens to you? I will kill myself, I will honestly commit suicide..." he said but I cut him off by saying:

"John! Relax! Everything will be fine, I am not the last nor the first girl that will go to a college far from her home. Stop being so scared of anything." I said trying to calm him down.

"I have the right to be scared of whatever I want." he said like he was ready to cry. "Now goodbye, and you will call me every single day ok? I love you baby." he said while crying. I hugged him so tight that he and I couldn't breathe, but he didn't stop me, he was hugging me tight as well.

"John!!!! We'll miss the flight! Hurry up!!!" my sister yelled while she and the other sister where getting inside the taxi for the airport.

"At least let me see your dorm" he said.

"John, you know that this will be more difficult for me and you." I said trying not to cry.

"Fine, goodbye." that time I didn't let him hug me, he just got inside the taxi and weaved his hand at me, another hug whould make me burst into tears, and I am already crying too much, I hate crying.

They all got inside the taxi and left. And I was left alone, but it was my choice.

(THAT WAS THE FIIIIIIRST CHAPTER!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I want to do now is again, set some things straight.

1. This is my first ever story and my native language is not english, so if i do any mistakes, don't act bitchy.

2. All of the places in this story, such as Plymouth or London or the UCL, I do not know a lot about them, like how they work. I mean I know that Plymouth and London are cities and I know the UCL, but I do not know how they work, like if the UCL has dorms or anything that I will mention later on the story. I do not know the rules in the universities of the UK or anything about the policy of the UK and stuff like that. Everything in this story is fictional.

3. I have said it before and I will say it again. The things in my stories are inspired by me and only me, but I do take some inspiration from other things as well, such as other stories in wattpad and movies and tv shows. So don't act like a prick if you see a similarity in a thing that happens in my story with a thing that happens in another story. I don't copy, I just get inspiration, because at the end of the day, who doesn't? It's not like I want to be a famous wattpad writer or something, everything I do, I do it for myself and for fun.

I don't want fame, just respect.

Your friend, Dani)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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