I Remember

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Her laughing, a soft chuckle as she laid her hand on the bump that took up her tummy. They had just told me, I was going to have a brother. I was going to be a sister.
Daddy wanted me to choose the middle name, I said Mason.
He would be Tomas Mason Hart.
To celebrate, I choose dinner. We were heading to my favorite place, up on top a mountain, called Big Momma's. There food was a size of a dinner plate. The radio played a soft song and the sun was setting. I remember the orange and purple and blue, melting together. It was mid winter, 2 days after Christmas, 3 days after my Birthday and the last day, I actually smiled, smiled with real emotion, real feelings.
Dad was talking about room preparations, Tomas would get the guest room and we would paint it blue or a light green. I was just so happy. I was a kid, growing up, going to be a big sister, I was care free.
Then I wasn't.
A swish of...something- something white, jumped in front of the car, right into the windshield.  I remember feeling my face drop its grin. I screamed as the car swerved, the road was iced over, making us spin. Dad threw his arm around him, behind the chair and into my lap, as if it could shield me from the flying glass and chaos. I clutched at his hand, feeling his speeding pulse. The car hit the side of the mountain, and bounced off.
Off, of the mountain.
I knew. He knew, we all knew. This was it. Mom gave me a small smile, they shared a look; I love you always, it said.
"We love you." Mommy said, placing a hand on my cheek, the other still resting on the bump. I wanted to be brave, like them, not scared. I gave them a small smile, they smiled back, though her cheeks were streaked with tears. I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch, not wanting to see the colpdoscope of memories, of laughs, tears and smiles.
A single tear escaped my eye, it roll down my cheek, but the last thing I felt was the warm hands clutched in mine. 

Then, I couldn't feel anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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