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Taylor (Kate's bff/sister)^^^^^^^^^^

Kate P.O.V.

I headed to work and when I got there I got attacked by my bff/sister Taylor

"Hey babe" She said

"Hey Baby" I said smiling

"I got to tell you something after work" She said going to a table the door open I turned around and saw anna and charlie I smiled knowing they asked cole could they come.

"Hey my perfect bunch" I said smiling I hug both of them

"We want to come home mommy" They said tears in their eyes

"What's wrong" Taylor asked

"Yeah what's wrong?" I said worried

"It's amy she hit charlie and me" Anna said

"SHE DID WHAT?!?!" I screamed as they cried the whole restaurant was looking at me but I didn't care no one puts their filthy hands on MY kids.

"Taylor come with me before I kill her and her unborn child" I said in venom I was fired up Taylor nodded and I could see hatred and anger in her eyes see Taylor as you can see has a connection with me,anna, and charlie we love each other anna and charlie call her aunt because she's there for us any time.

"Let's go" I said taylor picked up anna and charlie I can see how they both eat like maniacs but they feel light as a feather we got in the car and drove to cole's house.

"Where are they?!!?!?" I heard cole scream

"I...I....I...I do...o...o....on..t.t..k...n.n.n.o.....w" I heard amy stuttered I walked right in amy's eyes were wide when she saw anna,charlie,a and taylor behind me.

"I'm going to ask you this one time and one time only DID YOU PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY KIDS" I screamed mad

"IF YOU DON'T ANSWER I WILL KICK YOUR ASS" Taylor yelled but cole he looked shocked like he just heard about this.

"you hit them" Cole said looking at her I could hear her gulp from where I was standing

"You stupid bitch so you did hit them" I said I walked up to her and smacked her she looked surprised she's lucky that's all i could do since she's pregnant.

"If you ever touch my kids again I will kick your ass PREGNANT OR NOT" I said she flinched

"Taylor go get their bags from upstairs" I turned when the 3 were out of sight and looked at cole before he could say anything I punched him in the jaw then in the gut and kicked him in the face.

"IF they were your kids you would have known about this and they wouldn't have been hurt and your so called 'wife' wouldn't have put her hands on my kids their not coming back." I said hatred laced in my words.

"Come on Taylor" I just then noticed they were right their with their mouths open

"Bye daddy" Anna and charlie said not looking at him but at their feet hurt flashed across his eyes but as fast as it was there it was gone.

We left with that..........................

Now do you guys like that chapter let me know!!!!!

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