Bonus: Chapter 5

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To celebrate my limited time sale of His Diamond Queen, I'm offering a bonus chapter for all my Wattpad followers and readers. And if you enjoy the story so far, be sure to download a copy, which is on sale now for only $0.99. Enjoy!


Chapter Five

"What's taking so long?"

Rachelle didn't bother looking up at him as she surveyed the display of new nail polish colors. She already knew what color she was going to get, but it was a routine of hers to look anyway. She enjoyed the ritual of getting pampered and looked forward to the indulgence. This was one of her favorite places, with its warm decor and tranquil atmosphere and her hulk of an escort was messing up her vibe.

"See, this is why I told you to wait in the car." She picked up a rustic orange color and studied it closely. Maybe I'll try you in the fall.

"We've been here for twenty minutes, and we're still standing here."

"That's because the manicurist I want isn't available yet." She was annoyed Nok had taken another client in place of her appointment, but there was nothing Rachelle could do about it now but wait.

"Can't you reschedule?"

"Nope. I can't go out tonight with my nails looking like this."

Jay made a harsh sound in his throat. She finally turned to him, taking pity. They were the only two standing in the waiting area of the luxury nail salon and spa. Jay with his bulk and tattoos seemed so out of place there. He had to be bored and uncomfortable just waiting around for her, though her previous escorts never seemed to mind. If they had, they'd never been this vocal about it.

"If you're not going to wait in the car then at least let me treat you to a manicure," she offered. He stared down at her as if she'd said something inexcusably obscene. She tried not to laugh. "Guys get manicures too, you know."

"Well, I'm not that guy."

Rachelle rolled her eyes. Without thinking, she grabbed his hand to examine his nails. Maybe a candid assessment would get him to change his mind. But she wasn't prepared for the soft tingle that ran along her fingers at the casual touch. She kept her head down, avoiding his gaze, as she tried to shake off the unfamiliar sensation.

His hand was big, his palm rough and his fingers wide and long and she couldn't help brushing her fingers along his calloused palm. His hands were definitely manly, but they were nice for a guy, even with the faded scars across his knuckles. His nails were also surprisingly clean, though a little buffing and filing wouldn't hurt. She glanced up at him to tell him just that, but at his intense gaze, her breath caught. There was something raw and hungry in his clear blue eyes. They had darkened a shade and they bore into her as if he wanted to—

"Ms. Silva?"

Rachelle dropped his hand as if it was hot to the touch and turned to the young salon hostess standing across the room.

"Nok's ready for you now. I'll take you to her."

Rachelle nodded and turned back to Jay, though she found it hard to stare directly at him. "You really don't have to come back there with me."

Jay eyed the long hallway lined with rows of private nail rooms. He rubbed the back of his neck. "How long will you be?"

She shrugged. "An hour, maybe."

He looked undecided for a moment, as if he was weighing a heavy decision.

"It's okay. You don't have to follow me everywhere."

His Diamond Queen (interracial rom) *excerpt only*Where stories live. Discover now