Chapter 5: What If It's An Acronym?

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The next day you and Sherlock go to Henry's house, you're not sure why; Sherlock just woke you up early this morning and asked you to join him today.

Sherlock knocks on Henry's door, as soon as Henry opens the door Sherlock surges through the door.

"Morning!" Sherlock said cheerfully.

Sherlock heads to the kitchen as you turn to Henry. "How are you feeling?" You asked as you get a better look into his face. "I'm....I didn't sleep very well." Henry said, exhaustedly. "That's a shame. Shall we make you some coffee?" You ask then walk to the kitchen where you see Sherlock opening and closing a cupboards rapidly.

Finally he finds a metal jar and takes it out and rummages inside it. Then he tucks something from the jar inside his coat, you go over to the sink and pick up three mugs and set them over the central island as Henry wanders in. "Listen...last night." Henry said to Sherlock, who attempts a friendly smile and takes the top off the coffe tin. "Why did you say you hadn't seen anything? I mean, I only saw the hound for a minute, but..." Henry asked but Sherlock interrupts him, after he dumps spoonfuls of coffee in the mugs and slams the coffee tin down onto the surface and steps closer to Henry.

"Hound." Sherlock said.

"What?" Henry asked.

"Why do you call it a hound? Why a hound?" Sherlock asked.

"Why--what do you mean?" asked Henry.

"It's odd, isn't it? Strange choice of words--archaic. It's why I took the case. Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of a gigantic hound. Why say hound?" Sherlock asked.

"I don't know! I..." Henry started to say but Sherlock interrupts him again.

"Actually, we better skip the coffee. Come along, love." Sherlock said and starts to walk of the kitchen and you shake you head and give a apologetic smile at Henry and follow Sherlock.

Later, you and Sherlock were walking through the village but he stops. You look over at him and see what he is staring at. John is sitting on the steps of a war memorial in the church graveyard and he was looking through the notes in his notebook.

Sherlock looks over at you and you nod at him. He sighs and you two walk through the gate and walk along the path towards John, who looks up as he hears you two approach. He looks uncomfortable as he tucks his notebook into his pocket. You and Sherlock stop in front of him.

"Did you, er, get anywhere with that Morse code?" Sherlock asked. You shake your head as John said. "No." And John starts to walk away from you two.

"U, M, Q, R, A, wasn't it?" Sherlock asked as you and him follow John.

"He already text me last night. He said there was nothing." You replied to him.

"How about Louise Mortimer? Did you get anywhere with her?" You asked John.

"No." John said.

"Too Bad. Did you get any information?" Sherlock asked and John glances over his shoulder but keeps walking.

"You being funny now?" John asked.

"Thought it might break the ice a bit." Sherlcok replied.

"Funny doesn't suit you. I'd stick to ice." John remarked and you sigh and said. "John..."

"No, it's fine." He said.

"No, wait. What happened last night...Something happened to me; something I've not really experienced before..." Sherlock said.

"Yes, you said: fear. Sherlock Holmes got scared. You said." John said as you and Sherlock catch up with him and Sherlock grabs John's arm and pulls him around to face you two.

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