Chapter 2:The Onex Who Cried Wolf

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Onex gasped as he witnessed Tad's kidnapping. He clamped his hand to his mouth. He lunged into a bush and there he hid. Peaking between the leaves, watching as Tad's assailant grabbed Tad by the ankles and drug him out of Onex's view. Onex squeaked and shaked. Leaves and branches tugged at his hair as he escaped from the bush. "What did I just witness?"He asked himself outloud,"I need to tell somebody!" It then occurred to Onex that he had no actual evidence. He chewed on his stubby fingernails. He stroked his bony chin and pondered as to who he could tell. He knew only one person, his only friend, Kaz.

He took off running through the village, passing many houses made of mushrooms. The village was known for it's mushroom houses. He ran past Todd's Hair Salon. He approached the arcade. He reached into the large pocket in his overalls. In search of quarters. "No Onex!"He exclaimed to himself,"No time to go to the arcade!" Onex took off running again.

Before he knew it, he was at the Xanadu Inn. He burst through the door. The hotel was deserted. He ran to the registration desk and rang the little bell. Nobody came. He rang it again. Once again nobody showed up. Onex jumped up and down. Why wasn't anyone coming? It occurred to him that everyone was asleep. He would have to figure out which room was Kaz's. He ditched the bell and ran to the stairs. Once he was there he darted through the hall.

"KAZ! KAZ! KAZ!"He yelled.

The occupants of the hotel, poked their heads out of the door.

"We be a sleepin' in here!"Yelled an old lady with curlers in her hair.

"Sorry ma'am!"Exclaimed Onex. He looked around the hall.

Soon a familiar face popped out of the second room on his right. A dark skinned man with hair the color of night stared back at Onex. The man let out a groan.

"Onex, what do ya want?"Kaz asked with a yawn. He pushed his black hair out of his squinting eyes.

"I need to talk to you!"Onex exclaimed, tapping his foot.

Kaz opened the door the rest of the way, and Onex skipped in.

Kaz threw himself back into the comfortable bed. Onex leaped onto it beside him.

"What about?"Asked Kaz. He lit a candle and set it beside the bed.

"Why don't you just turn on the light?"Onex asked.

"Why would I?"Kaz said.

With the candle lit, Onex began to talk.

"Kaz,"He began,"I was hiding in a bush back behind The Mushroom Cafe, and I swear I saw Tad get murdered, you know Todd's boyfriend! I witnessed it with my own two eyes! You gotta help me Kaz, you gotta!"

Kaz fell back onto the pillow. He yawned and laid his hands behind his head.

"Onex, you do this every three days,"Kaz muttered,"I highly doubt anyone got murdered. Who was it who got murdered last week, oh yeah Mel." Kaz rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Onex looked up at him with glittery eyes. He dabbed at them.

"Why doesn't anyone ever believe me?!"He cried, tears began to flow down his cheeks.

Kaz let out a lofty sigh.

He spoke through gritted teeth,"'Cause all you ever say is lies."

Onex, crossing his arms,"If you don't believe me! Maybe I'll just tell Melvyn, or Aspen!"

Kaz picked up the candle and blew it out.

"Fine by me,"He said.

Onex huffed and puffed, then marched straight out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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