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Luhan's POV:
3 years. It took me 3 years to get to where I am now. The name is Luhan, Xi Luhan. I'm 26 years old, I'm an only child from my parents, and I live alone. My dream job ever since I was younger was to create artwork and take beautiful pictures that will be feature on the best magazine in the world. Did I mention I work for the best magazine in the world. Not bragging or anything....well right now, there really isn't anything to brag about.
"Laytan! Where's the props?!" The director calls out. "Sir, umm its Luhan and I put the props away because you told me we didn't ne-" "well go grab them again! While your at it, grab us some coffee!" He interrupted sternly and turning his attention back to the photoshoot. I sighed before bowing. "Yes sir." As you can see, I'm not quite there at my dream job yet. One day I'll get there and they'll all see all my potentially. "Fighting Luhan!" I cheered for myself before finishing my task. I had grabbed all the props and piled them in a box. Then I went to the company coffee shop and slumped on the chair, box of props placed beside me. "Director?" My friend xiumin asks as I give him coffee orders. Xiumin is the company's chef and barista. We became best friends through all my food errands. "Yea. I can't wait till I get out of being errand boy." I stated. We laughed as he hands me the drinks.  "Here man. This one is for you, extra whip." he stated. I smiled and thanked him before leaving back to the photoshoot that was happening.
"Great! Work it, work it. Put your hand on your hip. Perfect." The director states before the photographers began taking pictures in different angles. She'd look better from the side facing upward holding a puppy or something. Not that angle with flowers. "Lahun! Coffee!" Director stated snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes sir. And umm my name is Lu-" "what is happening?! This isn't coming out the lovingly theme I wanted!" He interrupts angrily as he looks at the taken pictures. "I'm going to the bathroom! When I come back, i  want a lovingly shot!" The director  stated before walking out the room. "Any ideas guys?" People began asking one another. Here's my chance. "Maybe we ca-" "we don't need your opinion errand boy." They stated before snickering. They laughed. Way to step on my ideas before I can even say them.. "Assholes! Let him say his opinion!" Lead photographer says with a smile at me. Everyone's attention turned to me. I explained the way the camera and girl should be placed and the presence of a dog instead of flowers. "Let's do it!" The nice guy stated. "Come on Suho you can't seriously be trying an errand boy's idea!" Some random guy says. "Hey, who knows, this errand boy may have the photographers touch!" Suho stated before looking towards me and winking. I smiled back and helped him set everything up. "Miss, look here not at the puppy." The guy named Suho stated. "Sorry, it's just so cute!" She says before smiling at the camera. I squeaked a toy to get the puppies attention too and Suho snapped the picture. "Wow.." He says before the doors barge open once again. "Someone had better got me something to work with!" Director stated. I suddenly got really nervous as Suho walked to the director with the camera. I watched them talk to each other for a while until Suho pointed to me. "Lu! Come here." Director stated. I walked there. What if he doesn't like it... Damn it I shouldn't be risky like this...what if he fires me?? "Did you do this?" The director asked. "Well I just set up the model and the camera placement but Suho took the pict-" "It's perfect!" He exclaimed. Wait what? "This is exactly what I was looking for!!!! You son have a special gift!" He stated. "Wait really?!" I asked looking at the smiling faces of the 2 people. "You do" Suho stated. "What's your position? Umm Lu?" Director asked. It's Luhan but li is fine I guess. "Errand boy.." I say making other photographers snicker. I say Suho glare at them. "Well starting today, I want you to be a photographer! Now! Someone get this kid a camera!" He yells. "Um actually sir, I have my own camera I'd like to use!" I stated. "Use whatever camera, you our new photographer!" He stated. I couldn't help but smile. "Back to work!" He yelled. I was finally able to work the camera. After long day of work, I started packing my things to head home. "Good work newbie!" Suho says walking up to me. "Thanks. I'd like to thank you also for giving me a chance" I say bowing. "Heh no need to bow. I just felt like I saw something in you and I was right. You do have talent but you have to work on the presentation of your work. Which lens are right to use and the right modes. But other than that, I can tell you just get better." He says with a smile. He's like an angel. "Can I be your assistant? I want to learn how to get better!" I asked. He chuckled. "You're like a cute deer. I'll be glad to teach you some new things. You have to work hard though." "I promise I'll work hard!" I stated. "Fighting!" He cheered with one last smile. I quickly packed my things and went to tell xiumin the good news. When I got to the coffee shop, it was closed so I headed home. "Hey there bubbles! Guess what? Daddy is finally a photographer!" I say to my puppy who is jumping on top of me and licking my face. He is a Maltese Poodle and still a little pup. "I missed you too!" I say before scratching his little head and changing into my pajamas then skyping that baozi. "Ayyyye! Guess what?!" I asked. "What?" He asked. "Wait is Chen there?" I asked "yea want me to get him?" He asked and I nodded in excitement. "Chen!!!! Luhan has good news for us!!" He stated. Suddenly 2 faces squish together on the phone screen. "Hay hannie!" Chen stated. "Hey!!!! So guys! Today I just basically got promoted to assistant photographer!!!!" I stated. "OMGOMG congrats man!!! This is such a big deal! Want us to come over and celebrate?" Chen asked. "Nah you don't have to. It's late and we have work tomorrow." I said. "Yea but congrats Luhan!" Xiumin stated. "I feel like a proud parent whose child just got an award." Chen states making us laugh. "Well I'll let you guys go now." I say waving. They wave back before hanging up. Suddenly there was a bark. "Oh I'm sorry bubbles! You need to go pee? Let's go for a walk." I say. The word 'walk' got bubbles all excited and dashing for the door. I put on his leash and headed out. It was a little past 9:00pm, near a little store, a tall hooded man came right up to me kissed me? Well not technically kissed me cuz he put his hand between our lips. I heard a bunch of girls screaming as they run by us and disappear down the street. I was going to yell but I made eye contact with the stranger. The handsome stranger. "Don't sthcream or I'll rape you." He threatens. Oh hell nah! No one threatens me! Especially not some handsome DERP poop with a lisp!" I stomped on the guys foot making him step back. "Oww what the fu-" "don't you dare threaten me! I apparently helped your sorry ass hide from those damn savages! A good thanks would be nice!" I state. The hooded man smirked before pulling me close. "Thank you cutie." He says. I blushed before pushing him away and punching his arm. "Aye! IM NOT CUTE!" I say angrily. "Says the cutie in cute deer pajama pantsth" he says before laughing. I was speechless. His laugh was pretty nice. "So mind telling me why crazy girls were chasing you?" I asked. "How bout we get something to drink and I'll tell you?" He says with a smile. "Hah only if you pay mr.strangerdanger." I state continuing to walk bubbles. "Okay okay I'll pay! Pick a place." He says. Oooo persistent. "I want bubble tea." I stated. As u can tell, I named my dog bubbles cuz I love bubble tea. Hah. The stranger nods and we walk to the bubble tea store not that far away. He hands me money and tells me to order his while he finds a seat. I got our drinks and look for the hoodie guy and he was in the back corner. "What's with the isolation from others?" I asked handing him his drink. "I can't let anyone see me." He stated. "Who are you?" I asked. "Sthehun. Oh Sehun."

Authors note
I hope you enjoyed this 1st chapter! I also hope you will stay and finish this story. Follow, vote, and or comment! I SEE EVERYTHING and appreciate everything. Oh and btw, here is bubbles!

 Oh and btw, here is bubbles!

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