0.2 Chucks really thoughtful gift

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The full moon shone as two girls lay unconscious in the road. Avery, the older sister, woke with a groan. Realizing her surroundings she lightly pushed her sister awake. "Are we here?" Hayley asked looking around. Avery nodded in response then stood up looking around for the car. After a few minutes of looking, Avery finally spot it, a slick blue convertible,  the girls walked over to it. When they arrived at the car Avery placed her hand on the handle, only to find it's locked. "Are you sure this is a Chevy Camaro?" The younger sibling asked "I'm sure, this is my favorite car, I would notice" Avery replied starting a search around the car for the keys. When Avery made a full circle around the car she realized that they were no where to be found. Avery pulled the large and heavy duffle on top of the trunk of the car. She dug through the duffle looking for the  key, when all of a sudden they popped out of the book from the supplies. Smiling Avery happily put the keys in the lock and opened the doors.
Once the two girls packed all of their things in the trunk they both got in the car. Avery placed the keys in the cars ignition. The oldest sister pulled her phone out and typed in the address of the bunkers filming location, she got of a fan site. A loud yawn escaped Avery lips as she pulled up the google maps gps. Avery felt tired but since she was the only one of the two sisters that can drive she had to suck it up for 20 minutes. Once the gps was turned On she pulled the beautiful Camaro out of its original  spot and made her way to  team free will.

The drive felt long for the green eyed girl. But sure enough she found her destination. Avery debated if she should wait for morning since it was only hours away and she didn't want to wake Hayley once more. Deciding she needed sleep before she was ready to explain herself to the Winchesters. Avery pulled around the corner and parked Chucks really thoughtful gift. So the two brothers wouldn't get suspicious of the unfamiliar car in front of their home.
Once A sleepy Avery had parked the car she made her way to the trunk pulling out 2 blankets. And a pillow she packed. Avery Also grabbed her angel blade and her anti possession charm. Once she made herself comfortable in the back, she locked all doors and fell asleep.

Avery awoke to the sound of her phone alarm going off. Giving out a loud sigh she tapped her alarm off and sat up with a yawn. Avery pulled her short blonde hair into a bun. When the eldest was fully awake she woke her sister up. "Up and Adam" Avery said placing her blanket and pillow under the front seat.

Once her sister had sat up and was on her side. Avery climbed into the front and started the engine. Pulling out of the parking spot. "Breakfast first?" Avery asked her younger sister. Hayley thought about her answer for a moment then nodded, she was in real need of a coffee.

When the two girls arrived at a McDonald's they ordered their food and ate in the parking lot. It took the to girls a good 20 minutes to finish their food. When Avery had finished she decided to get changed. Grabbing black high wasted pants, a black Nirvana crop top and to Top it off was a red plaid flannel. Hayley  followed behind her sister with high wasted shorts and a plane purple tee. Once they had finished they made their way back to the car and drove back to the bunker. Within 10 minutes the girls arrived back at the bunker. Avery put her demon blade and angel blade on each side of her pants making sure her flannel covered them.


Inside the bunker the two brothers Sam and Dean sat researching on where to find Amara (the Darkness). "Anything?" the eldest brother asked, Sam shook his head "you?", Dean replied with the same answer "keep looking I guess" Sam said returning back to his screen. Dean and Sam were buried in their research when they heard a knock at the door. Both brothers glanced at each other. Dean grabbed his gun and armed it meanwhile Sam did the same. Dean led the way up to the door. Placing the Gun on the door he slowly opened it, when he realized who was on the other side of the door Dean became very confused.

"We don't want any of your girl guide cookies, go away." Dean said about to close the door when he was interrupted by a hand stopping the door from closing. "Dean we aren't Girl Guides" the unfamiliar girl announced Dean opened the door fully the gun still on the door. "who are you two then and how do you know my name?" Dean asked the two girls standing infront of him. They looked fairly young, couldn't be over 20 years old, "well for starters, Sam why dont you come out from around the corner and put the gun away we mean no harm" the tallest one announced. Sam looked at his brother, Dean nodded and Sam stepped beside his brother with his gun away. "what do you want, why are you here?" Sam asked. This time opposite one spoke "we want to talk to you both and Castiel" Dean smirked "does your parents know you're here"

The eldest sister rolled her eyes at deans comment. "are parents are dead" Hayley stated, Deans smirk vanished as quickly as it came. "My name is Avery and this is my younger sister Hayley" Avery stated before things started to get depressing. "We were sent here by a man in your future, to gather you and Castiel" Avery started to explain "what do you mean you were sent here and by who" Sam asked "unfortunately since he's in your future I can't disclose that information. We are not from you world" Avery stated "so your aliens?" Dean asked. Avery laughed "no, we are humans, but we are from a different dimension" "I can't say any more out here I'm afraid of eavesdroppers" Avery mentioned Dean nodded "Hold on, how can we trust you" Sam said before they entered the bunker.

"Test us" Avery stated Dean nodded at Sam to go get the stuff for the test. Sam returned with a flask, a silver blade and 2 bandages. Sam started with Avery by pouring the holy water on to her wrist, then he grabbed the silver blade and made a clean cut in her arm, Avery winced, blood came gushing out after the blade had left, Sam gave her a bandage then moved on to her sister. Both finished the test, both passing them.
The 4 of them made their way to the large table in the main room of the  bunker. "Okay, we are inside now, explain" Dean said leaning in to listen  Avery nodded "we are from a dimension where you two are on a Tv show called "Supernatural" "so it's like the one Balthazar sent us to" Dean interrupted "yes and no, Yes it's like the one Balthazar sent you to but, but it's not the exact one" "anyways, we need you to trust us so that's why we've come here to see if we can stay with you a few days to earn trust before we tell you more about the mission" Dean looked at his brother and then turned to Avery and nodded "I guess, but only for a few days" Avery smiled "okay, we should go get our things" Avery said motioning to Hayley to follow her.

A few hours passed by, Hayley and Jocelyn were both settled in their separate rooms Sam had chosen for them. Jocelyn studied away on how to reach the people they were about to go collect when all of sudden she heard her name from beside her. "Chuck what are you doing here is something wrong?" Avery asked a bit worried "no Avery, but I forgot to mention two people on the list" Chuck stated "who are they?" Avery asked "Scott Mcall and his pack including Stiles Stilinski" Avery smirked "is that all" she asked Chuck nodded and before Avery could ask another question he was gone.

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