0.3 Apple pie

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A/n: the gif above I got from Google.
2 Days later
"What's for dinner?" The eldest sister asked the two boys sitting at the huge table with papers scattered across it. "Take out" Dean replied "how about I make dinner?" Avery  suggested Dean and Sam looked at each other then at Jocelyn with a bit of confusion. "you wanna cook?" Dean asked surprised "why not its nothing new for me" Avery said "my Grams was to sick to do anything so it leaved  me to do all the house work" Avery finished "be my guest" Dean replied. Sam sat across from his brother silently buried in his precious computer research. Avery nodded and made her way in to the kitchen. Avery  placed her hand on the cold silver metal. Realizing there was only two old, almost empty, take out containers Avery left the room with a sigh. "So you were just gonna let me make my way into the kitchen?" Asked an annoyed Avery "you were on a roll" Dean said with a smirk. Avery left the room and was back as quick as she left, this time holding up her "supernatural" wallet "I will be back" Avery said makeing her way to the staircase but was interrupted by Dean "is that us on your wallet" Avery smiled "alternate universe" she replied with a wink and with that she made her way up the stairs and out the door.

Hayley awoke to a text message from her phone that was only an inch away from her. She lazily reached over and pressed the home bottom "going to the store to buy food, don't annoy the boys love, Avery"  Hayley placed her phone back onto the bedside table and sat up rubbing her eyes she realized she had been asleep for a few hours, deciding that it was time to get up she made her way to the kitchen. "Hello" Hayley said groggily "Morning Sunshine" Dean replied, Hayley continued her mission into the kitchen. Realizing she didn't know where the cups were she made her way back to the door poking her head out "where are the cups located" she yelled out to Dean "cupboard on the left of the fridge" Dean replied  "thanks" she replied continuing into the kitchen.

The rain pattered on the cars rooftop of the car. Avery watched the road carefully as the headlights of the car guided her. "Hey Jude" played softly in the background, Avery hummed along to it. The young green eyed women stepped out her car and made her way into the store. The first place she stopped was at the bakery department to grab two apple pies. Once Jocelyn had everything on her mental list she made her way to the check out area.
It was still pouring down rain when she finished with her shopping. Rushing towards her car she didn't realize that she had company waiting for her. Placing the grocerys in the back seat she felt someone's presence behind her, becoming aware of surroundings Jocelyn slowly reached in her back pocket for the demon blade.
Un aware a black eyed demon came running from behind her taking her down in one quick swoop. The demon now on top of her with a smirk sprawled across its face. " Hello, Avery" he said with a grin. Avery was confused as to how the filthy demon knew who she was. Breaking out of thoughts she payed attention to the demon seeing if he knew she had the knife. When  she realized he was absolutely oblivious to the fact she had a weapon. She quickly pulled it out and stabbed it in the throat. An orange yellow light shone as she stabbed him. "Not this time pal" Avery said pushing the ugly thing off her. Avery dragged the body into the forest attached to the parking lot.

Avery continued into her car when she was sure there was no more unwanted guests. Aa Avery drove she drummed her hands along to the beat of sweet home alabama, she hummed along to the song as well. When she arrived she parked in front of the bunker running out into the poring rain. She opened the door to the bunker "can someone show me to the garage?" She yelled "just turn the corner up the road you will know where it is as soon as you turn the corner" Sam replied " I will meet you in there" he added "okie doki see you in a minute."  Avery ran back into the pouring rain. Following Sam's instructions Avery successfully found it pulling into the familier room. Avery continued by parking beside Baby. Avery exited the Camaro, realizing she was still alone, Avery smiled looking at the Chevy Impala sitting right next to her. She pictured herself in the front seat driving it into town, which would never happen since Dean doesn't let anybody touch his baby other then sam.
Avery was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the door slam shut. She quickly ran to the door of the Camaro pretending she had just gotten in. "Need a hand" Sam asked "yea thanks" Avery replied handing Sam a couple of bags, grabbing the last few bags, she closed the door with her foot.

"So you haven't said much about your story" Sam announced, Avery shrugged "there isn't really much to say" she replied "well you said your parents aren't alive" Avery nodded it was a touchy subject but she kept it together  and replied to Sam "it was a robbery gone wrong we were at our grandparents when it happened" Avery took a second holding back a couple of tears "the cops had phoned when we were in bed but the next morning my gramps told us, this was 5 years ago, but it still feels so recent" glancing at Sam, "I know what you mean, I would explain but you probably already know" Avery nodded in response "yea" she replied awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. "Anyway I do most of the cleaning and cooking around the house, my gran died a year ago in her sleep, ever since then it's just me and my sister" before Sam had something else to say we entered the kitchen.

Placing everything on the island Avery started to unpack all the grocerys, Sam followed along.
"I think that's the last of it" Sam said with a smile "awesome I will get started on dinner" Avery smiled back "I can give you a hand, if you'd like" Sam offered "sure, I'd like that" Avery replied. "So what do you have planned?" Sam asked, Avery smiled and clapped her hands together "chicken, potatoes, and veggies" she said happily Sam chuckled "dean's really gonna love the veggies or "rabbit food" in his opinion" "well he's just gonna have to get over it, if he wants Apple pie" Avery said with a smile.

Once everything was ready and on the table, Sam called Dean and Hayley into the kitchen to eat. "This looks amazing guys" Hayley said smiling at her older sister "thanks I hope you all like it" Avery replied. All the siblings sat down digging in as fast as you could say "Apple Pie." "How's the "Rabbit food" Dean" Avery asked with a smirk "surprisingly not bad" Dean replied with a full mouth, Avery and Sam glanced st each other and chuckled. Avery glanced around the table and smiled, this is what she had been waiting for, for awhile, not because it's Sam and Dean but just having other people around and watching everybody laughing and having a good time it felt nice since it wasn't something the two sisters had in a while. "Who's ready for dessert?" Avery asked excitedly "depends on what it is" Dean stated "you will see" Avery said turning her back and heading to the island, where the pie was located, Avery took the cloth that was on the pie and placed it aside continuing to the table. "You have great taste" Dean said to Avery "I learned from the best" Avery replied "what is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked "alternate universe" Avery winked again.

"So I was wondering, maybe we can continue with the mission tomorrow?" Avery suggested, Dean and Sam exchanged glances then focused their attention on Avery.  "You know you haven't told us much about that" Dean stated, Avery nodded "we were meaning to tell you when Cas got here" Avery admitted "but he isn't here so I might as well tell you our mission,the mission is to gather the greatest TV Heroes that me and my sister know, to help save my world, and in order to do that, we need you three to help us gather the rest" "So what I'm hearing Is that you need our help to gather your world's TV hero's?" Dean asked "correct" Hayley replied "but we aren't hero's so why us?" Sam asked "you are hero's, you have saved so many people on a daily basis if that isn't heroic then I wouldn't know what would be" Hayley stated. The two brother glanced at each other, "what do you need us to do?" Dean asked

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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