Chapter 24

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My face was battered and bruised with the blows he had delivered to my face. I felt the blood trickle down my face as my head hung low. I hadn't heard from my wolf. I didn't know when I would but I knew that all my powers were drained at this point. I couldn't even growl. I was dehydrated. I didn't even know how long I had been tied up to the chair,silver binding my wrists.  I lifted my head up ever so slightly hissing at the pain that it sent down my back. My kidnapper was wiping his hands with a rag. I guess my beating was over for today.

"Had enough little wolfie." He called as he turned his face towards me.  His blonde locks fell in-front of his face as he chuckled. He advanced towards me and knelt down in-front of me. I felt my head drop not wanting to look at him. He grabbed my chin roughly and pulled my head up. I hissed in pain but he just chuckled before placing a kiss on my lips. I tried to pull away in disgust but I had no energy to get out of his iron like grip. He pulled away smirking before moving a stray hair out of my face.

"Shame you are such a pretty thing." He chuckled before walking away from me.  He turned around laughing before speaking up "Oh and you have a visitor." I looked up confused ignoring the pain shooting down my back.  I was met with a pair of blue eyes.. Now that was familiar.

"James" I croaked.

"Luna.." He smirked.

"Help." I begged. I had never felt so helpless in my life. He walked behind me cutting the binds before tipping the chair up. I slid off pain now overwhelming my body.

"Nice to see ya..." He laughed as I tried to get up. My wrists were red raw and were bleeding from trying to escape.

"Dont think I dont know who you are you mutt." He screamed. I felt my body quiver with fear. I dint know what was going to happen but I knew one thing. I would have never thought Blue eyes would have betrayed his pack.  A tear fell down my cheek as he kicked me in my ribs making everything go black.


Sorry its short but I needed to update and literally haven't had the time with revision and stuff and school starting again but I promise I will try to update more often but they might be shorter chapters and I didnt like this chapter. I dont think it was good. Was it? Let me know..

But until next time... Byeeeeeeeeee Guysssssssssss xoxooxoxoxoxoxoooxo

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