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Song for this chapter "ocean eyes" I don't know who it's by lmao but I'll put it up there^

Issys pov

I felt bad for Kadian because she seemed really embarrassed after the whole 'scene' even though she didn't do anything.

"Kadian come here and hug me" I opened up my arms and she walked up to me and hugged next to me

I love spending time with my best friend and we haven't had much time together since we met the twins.

"Aw cute" Ethan smiled


It was 12:45 and the twins were about to leave before Kadian could find out

"Okay bye then" I whispered

"What's going on?" Kadian yawned and we all turned back

"Uh the twins are going home" I said

"I'm not sleeping until Grayson comes and cuddles with me" she stomped her foot

Grayson was gonna walk up to her but I put my hand out to stop him

"Fine stay up all night I don't care" I turned back around and leaded them out

"Issy" Kadian said in a delicate voice, I sighed and turned around

"Okay fine, but one more night"

"YAY" Kadian pulled Grayson's hand and they both ran into her room laughing

I turned to Ethan as I knew he didn't have a room

"You can sleep in my room for tonight and tonight ONLY and if you touch me then you can sleep on the floor" I crossed my arms to him

"Fine" he walked to his bag to get his clothes and get ready


I was in my bed with Ethan's back just barely touching mine, it was cramped but I didn't mind.

I couldn't sleep so I tried getting up and getting some milk.

So I hopped over Ethan sleeping and I walked into the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk, when I closed the door Ethan was directly behind it

I dropped the milk and jumped up screaming a bit.

He covered my mouth giggling a bit "shhhh

I removed his hand from my mouth "what was that for" I asked

"I just needed some milk" he awkwardly made up.

I sighed and walked past him picking up the bottle and getting a glass

I grabbed a glass for him and looked up at him as I poured it, he was looking down at his fingers.

I stopped pouring and slammed the bottle on the table

"Look I'm sorry I'm being a bitch, I don't know why I'm treating you like shit" I walked up to him.

"It's okay" he looked down at me

"But it's not, how do you still like me?" I frowned

"Because I love your attitude" he giggled

"But it's not an attitude it's being rude" I explained

"Then why are you like it?"

"I don't know okay maybe it's jus-" I stuttered

"Just what?" He asked


"What!" He kinda shouted

"Ugh just shut your mouth" I ran up to him and grabbed his cheeks, I pulled them against my lips.

I held him close as hi hands found its way to my hips.

I broke the kiss and realized what I just did

"D-did I j-just?" My cheeks heated up

"I-I dunno" he also looked shocked

I didn't say anything else I just ran to my room and fell on my bed

I stared at the ceiling, until I turned my body to the wall as Ethan walked back in a laid in bed.

I was shaking as he came closer into the covers

I had that temptation for him to hold me so I made him.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it onto my waist, he wanted to do it too so he moved his body in and pushed up behind me.

I fell asleep.


Animosity // g.d & e.dWhere stories live. Discover now