Part 1

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The Sentient Dead, Chapter One

She screamed, blood was pouring from her lungs as her assailant plunged the knife into her faint heart. He forced his sad tumescent member into her most intimate place. Her last breath was weak. Tears fell from her eyes as they lost their life, and she died looking at the killer. When she woke again she could not speak, for her throat had crusted over with dryness. She could not see clearly as her eyes had been open for days and nights on repeat. Try as she might to get to her feet but with each attempt to stand her feeble legs gave out and she fell once again. The blade used to take her life was jutting out of her ribs, which were easily seen. Anger flowed through her body as she remembered what had last happened to her. With another weak effort she was able to force herself to her feet. A gruesome victory cry was heard throughout the suburbs, this voice was not hers and she stumbled at the sound of it. Staggering, she made her way to the nearest building and glimpsed at her reflection. Her face had lost the beauty that she was born with and she was covered in claw marks and bites. The blouse her grandmother had given her was faded and tattered, and her mother's necklace was missing. Once again anger coursed through her veins, she had to find someone, she had to.

As she made her way down to the main area of town she remembered more and more about who she was, and with each memory she only got more flustered and upset. She walked past emaciated cats and dogs pawing at her for food and water. When she tried to pet one of the cats, it only hissed at her and scurried away. Her legs had been moving by themselves as if they too had a yearning to find answers, by this time she had passed several buildings and alleyways. She started to walk home in the hopes that her mother would help her find the answers. In her unbeating heart she knew she would stop at nothing to find the answers, and her killer.

Finally she had made it to the park adjacent to her house, upon first sight she noticed that the park was a complete wreck. The trash bins that were previously upright and full were now toppled over and spilled everywhere. How long was she out? She stumbled to her house, the moment she arrived at the door she attempted to twist the knob. Her dry voice called out to her mother, "Ma-ma Ma-ma" to no avail; it was apparent her house had been empty for weeks if not months. Her frail arms were not strong enough to open the door. The spare key was still in its hiding spot in the hose caddy next to the front door, taking it in her hand she unlocked and opened the door. Her house, which was normally clean and orderly was now in a chaotic mess. Mud was tracked into the house and the wallpaper was strewn off its place on the wall. As she made her way, slowly, into the kitchen it was made obvious to her that she was gone for many months. "Ma-maa" she moaned upon sight of a note in her mother's writing.

Skye, I've been looking for months. I can't find you. If you do not return to me soon I fear for what I may do to myself. I've hired private investigators and detectives, ANYONE who might find you. I've given up. Forgive me.

I love you, Skye.


She made her way to the stairs and heavily took a first step, the floorboards cracked and creaked with each step. "Ma-ma!" Skye took her final step at the doorway of her mother's room, and fell to her knees. For there her mother was, suspended from the closet rail; a thin rope around her neck. Her mother was gaunt and had a mark around her once healthy neck. As Skye reached up to touch her mother's sunken cheek, her mother let out a ghastly shriek and clawed out at her daughter. Skye looked into her mother's grey eyes and touched her mother's cheek as she wished to do so.

"Mama.." Skye moaned, despairingly. "Mama.."

As she turned to leave she heard a whisper, as soft and quiet as a mouse in the night.


This voice was as grim as her own and she looked back at her mother.

"Skye?" she heard it again. This time it was much louder, and somewhat clearer.

" Mama?"

Her mother had been just as sentient as she was, every day she hung there in her closet waiting for her daughter to come home. Finally she was there, right in front of her mother. With effort, Skye helped her mother off the rail and taught her again, how to use her legs. Her mother was much more feeble than Skye was, so the process of walking took half the night.

"What.. happened.. to.. you.. Skye?" Mama still had difficulty speaking, she'd been silent for months.

"Mama it was...Horrible." Skye started to speak. " He-"

She was cut off by a loud crash in the lower part of her house. As the two of them descended they heard voices, and stopped. One was deep and gruff the other was exactly the opposite, light and feminine. A man and a woman, were pilfering through the cupboards and drawers. Skye and Mama retreated to the attic where they stayed, hoping to be unfound.

The man and woman stayed for days, until the last of their food had been eaten, only then did Skye and Mama leave the attic.  

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