Part 3

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Chapter Three

*This chapter may cause distress, discretion is advised.*

Adrenaline flowed through my brain as I ripped her skirt off, the sound of it ripping filled me with ecstasy. My jeans tightened knowing she was struggling and I was stronger. I generally was attracted to the girls who put on an act, like this one did. She never told me her name, even when I'd asked. She sort of just snubbed me like last night's spinach. Such disrespect infuriated me incredibly, I was never treated as anything other than a prince in my home. Being a Wells, I'd expected nothing less than that. My father always made sure I had everything I'd wanted; it was easy for him, considering his celebrity status. He started to bribe and pay me the day I'd caught him in his 2015 Ferrari Laferrari with my tutor. I'd hated my tutor, so I couldn't care less what he and my father were doing. Mother would've killed herself had she found out. I loved Mother, more than I should have. I couldn't let her know my feelings, as difficult as it was. I had trouble keeping my tumescence in my lower regions at a normal level when I was around her. I longed to feed again from the bust that fed me as an infant, to feel once more the teat in my mouth hardening as her ecstasy for her own son heightened.

Mother was beautiful, her eyes shone like the finest of diamonds, her breasts were supple and as if she'd never had a child. Her lips were perfectly shaped and plump, she had flowing blonde-brown hair. I'd been quarreling with these feelings since I was a little child. I remember the first time Mother spanked me, it was the most painfully good sensation of my childhood life. My exit to my room was immediate after my punishment. In my room I was able to act out my fetishes without Mother knowing. I'd always stuff a small blanket underneath the door so she couldn't hear my grunting. I never had any friends growing up, I never needed any. I had Mother, I would always have Mother.

When Mother found out I didn't know what to do, she was a wretched mess. Father had committed an act against their marriage and it cut Mother's heart in two. It was time. Mother needed me. She needed to be healed from the pain my Father had caused her. Father needed to leave her alone; all Mother needed was me. Soon I would be her only desire. I caressed Mother's cheek, slowly telling her that everything would be fine. I kept her tear soaked eyes focused on my own. My heart was palpitating with excitement as I slowly leaned closer.

"I love you Mother." I said, barely a centimeter away from her now. She quieted as she heard me, I was calming her. My hands moved from her face to her shoulders and onto her back as I embraced her. I started rubbing her back in soft, circular motions which I'd seen Father do thousands of times. She then got up and went to the bathroom and I heard her sobbing, it broke my heart. Mother was too perfect to be crying. I had to fix it.

"Mother?" I called. I heard the shower running and cracked the bathroom door to where I could see her. I then saw her face curl in anger, she drew her little arm back and struck the mirror. Mother clearly had some muscle in her frail little body as she shattered the mirror. Her knuckles began to drip heavily as she pulled away from the mirror.

"Mother!" I pushed open the door and went to grasp her hands, she is in her underwear and was planning on showering. "Why did you go and do that? Now you're bleeding."

"Oh, Dorian. He hasn't loved me for years. " She cried, " He wouldn't care if I died!"

"Mother, I won't have you speaking like that!" I snapped.

"Do not speak to your Mother with that attitude!" She whimpered to me between sobs. I felt a pang of pity as she blew her dripping nose into a kleenex. I cleansed and bandaged her hand and gave it a kiss.

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