Part 4

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Chapter Four

Skye and Mama had been walking for ages. Mama was incredibly perturbed by her daughter's actions. Skye was angered by something, this much was obvious.

"Skye, honey. We need to stop." Mama pleaded. She looked down at her pale legs, they'd been deteriorating since they had left their home. They were now in the middle of Texas, one thousand two hundred forty-four miles away from their hometown.

"Baby.." Mama begged once more.

Skye was intent to find her killer.

"Hestia Skye Killshire! Listen to your mother!" Skye stopped, She loathed being called by her first name. It all started when she was in junior high-school after her name was called. The bratty kids all called her Fireplace for a month.

"Mama you know I don't like being called by my first name."

"I'm... sorry... baby." Mama's vocabulary had been doing this since she woke up at her rope.

Her emotions getting in the way of her tongue, she'd said about it.

"Skye baby... we've been walking for days..My poor feet are falling to pieces!" Mama was telling the truth too. Skye knew it.

They'd made it to the nearest city to them, New Orleans.

New Orleans was humid, something that both Skye and Mama weren't used to. In Rexburg the weather was always all over the place.

They made their way to a run down hotel, and they took a well needed rest.

As they were already dead, they didn't bother searching for a five star room with perfect condition, they settled for a tattered room with a single torn bed. When they sat on the bed a large racoon skittered from under it.

Mama's mouth began to water and she lunged for it, getting scratched up in the process.

Her eyes changed from hazel-brown to a soulless black and she bit into the animal's torso. The veins around her eyes became prominent as she devoured the animal's long intestine.

Skye felt only a twinge of fear as she watched her mother. "Ma?" She said, "Ma are you ok?"

She only heard snarls and ripping flesh in return. 

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