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Stars twinkled as usual but she stared at them hard. It looked like she was questioning them about something but those dumb sparkling things just illuminated light.

Deviation and Dispersion.

She stared till her eyes got blurred and her brain calmed her to sleep.

Her bright black eyes closed slowly, the last thing to see was another twinkling star, and she smiled at it. She slept near the balcony like always.


"You better vote for Kevin."

"And what if I don't vote for your penguin?"

The school election or Captain's Battle was going to end soon. Soon being the day of voting, but Kanak had decided to vote for opposite party rather than the said penguin.

Reason was simple. The other party wasn't begging for votes.

"You are trying to fuck up with us, huh?"

"No. I am just trying to be what a normal student should be like."

"Normal?" the boy laughed loudly, "Your father was a loser and you are trying to be normal?"

The gang of sixteen boys, quiet built up in muscle tone and looking like Bulls, guffawed at her stunned stance.

"You know nothing."

She didn't tear up. Not because she wanted to show off that she was strong or to make the gang realize that they were wrong. She didn't tear up because she was over it. At first, it had made her cry but now, it was nothing.

People knew nothing about her father. And people knew nothing about Kanak.

She moved past the mocking guys and head banged herself on someone.

"Be careful." he was there, with the same wild fragrance, comforting her senses. He stood in front of her.

And this time he had a small smile on his face which brought something different into her, her eyes couldn't stare enough as she was scared for what she saw in his eyes.


And that was first time in her life she was assured of calmness, away from chaos of life.


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