The Secret Room.

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Tallstar locked eyes with me for a moment and then said, "Fine. I will go see what all this fuss is about."

He slowly walked towards the door and BAM. He's gone.

Everyone in the room started to panic. People were shouting..

"What the hell??"

"Did the bull take him?"

"Did he leave us here?"

"What if he saw it and ran away!?"

"Clam down everyone!" Jason was yelling. Everyone quieted down immediately. "We will be safe here. Follow me.

Jason led everyone to what it looked like to be a trap-door under Tallstar's desk.

"How did you know about this?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"Teacher's pet." Was all he said before we followed him down the rickety steps of the trap-door.

I was hearing a few comments about how I was a girl.

Yeah people. I'm aware that I'm a girl. For your information, I wake up every day and see it with my own eyes.

When we got down to the bottom, it look like the classroom, except older and with a small closet.

I didn't know what was going on above us, but it was certainly not calm. We heard explosions and bangs every minute or so, and each time they were closer and closer to us.

I shivered. It was freezing. After all, we were in a room with no heat underground.

"Are you cold?" Jason asked.

I didn't want this situation to get any less awkward, but at the same time, I did.

"N-N-No." I shivered again.

Jason laughed. I didn't know what to think. Did Jason like me?

I shivered for the billionth time.

Then, I felt a warmth on my shoulders. Jason had placed his black hoodie on my shoulder... just when I wanted things to get less awkward.

"Thanks." I said quickly.

Soon, the banging stopped and Jason and I along with the rest of the group decided we would come back up to investigate.

"Thanks again for umm... the jacket." I gave him a small smile. "Not that I er.. needed it or... or anything."

We locked eyes for a short moment.

"You may not know it but I can see through those eyes Athena. I really can."

With that, he started walking up the stairs, leaving me standing there in shock.

What did he mean?

Those word compelled me.

What could they possibly mean?

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