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[VALERIE'S POV] [Present Tense]

I let El drag me through the crowds of crew and security, as me, her and Lou started to look around for Lux, Lacie-Mae and Zayn.

We asked everyone first, and they all gave us different places.

“The food hall”

“On the stage”

“Dressing room”

“The car park on bikes”


We looked around in all the places for about 15 minutes, until we finally found them in one of the spare dressing rooms. Zayn was spray painting the walls, with Lux sat on the chairs on her phone, as Lace was walking around the room.

“Zayn! Yourve got to be on in like 2 minutes!” Lou shouted, and ran up to him, to fix his hair, before pulling him out of the room quickly, but before he could go he gave me a quick smile.

I looked at the girls, who seemed quite happy, Lux was always with Lace, watching over her for me.

“We was looking for you's for ages. Are you staying in here until we go?” I asked, as Eleanor walked out the room, following Zayn and Lou down the hallway.

Lux nodded as Lace started trying to get her blanket off the back of the sofa, so I just said bye, and to text me if they went anywhere else.

I took this chance to get away for the first time today, and pick up where I was at in my reading, so I walked over to another one of the dressing rooms, and sat down in one of the beanbag chairs, and pulled out the diary.

[Valerie's POV, Past Tence]

I walked into the English classroom and handed the teacher mine and Zayn's english project, then went to sit in my seat next to Zayn, we hadn't spoke to each other since the morning I nearly kissed him and then sent him home, so to say it was awkward, was an understatement.

He played with his fingers, like he used to when we first met, I didn't find it as annoying now, more of a cute habit. Urgh. What am I saying.

We carried on ignoring each other throughout the lesson as we just done some random questions from a sheet she had giving us, as waited for her to mark our homework.

“Okay... This is only quick markings, so you don't have to wait so long to find out what your grades are, I will mark them properly tonight” The teacher annouced.

“Alright, Olivia, Riley, Jackson and Issy, you got a B-”

“Troy, Jess, and Kian, you's got a C+”

“Summer, Elijah and Louise, you got a A-”

“Ricky, Lilly, Kelly, and Dennie, you got a C-”

“Valerie, Zayn and Ashton, yous got a A+” She finally said after waiting, and Ashton cheered loudly.

“MISS! He didnt even help us!” Zayn shouted suddenly raising from his seat, shocking everyone as I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back to his seat, and I then stood”

“He didnt help us miss, his name isnt even on the back” I said, less loud then what Zayn had just spoke.

“But, his name iis on it?” She said, confused and held up the work, which did have his name on it too.


A/N: next chapter! Stuff will happen!;):D


-byeee x

TURNING BACK TIME✎ [ZAYN MALIK FAN-FICTION]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora