Chapter 10

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Leah's pov

I went to the source that would prove Miya's innocence, her mom. I know Miya doesn't know where her mom is but let me explain.

A few years ago I was the first one to find out Miya's mom, Aubrey was cheating on her dad Hank. I walked into Miya's house we had that kind of friendship. Aubrey was there kissing another man who wasn't Hank.

They saw me "Leah, I'm sorry you had to see this." Said Aubrey "I'm sorry ill leave" I said trying to get out the door. The strange man held the door so I couldn't get out "Leah if you ever tell my husband about this I will kill your family." Snarled Aubrey I was terrified, she was always nice to me. I nodded and she booted me out the door.

A few days later Aubrey disappeared, a few months later she contacted me. I remember getting that phone call "Leah, do you remember that man? Well I'm sure you do, he was a rogue." I remembered what she was talking about, how could I forget? "Yes I remember" she chuckled "good, well I'm involved with him, your a smart girl you probably figured that out. Anyways we are planing to attack, and kill Hank." A rogue that's who she left Hank for? "Why would you kill your mate?" "He was never my mate that was just bull shit, this rogue is my mate I know we can lure Miya to come outside and of course Hank will follow and be killed." "Why do you want him dead?" "I just want to move on and killing him would be the best option." "Your not gonna get away with this I'm telling alpha" I defended. "Silly little Leah if you tell or even think of telling ill change my mind and kill Miya or your family."

With that she hung up, I know I should've told it was a little bit of my fault but I was young and foolish, I was only 13 and I was a coward. I let Hank die, maybe he'd still be alive now if I had told.

Anyways back to the present, I walked into the woods going to find Aubrey. I did keep in contact with her telling her about Miya and Derek, the last time we spoke was probably last week. I felt so bad keeping this from everyone but she threatens to kill my family if I tell, and I know she would.

I finally found her, "Leah?" she asked "Aubrey" I still wondered why she chose to tell me this information. "What do you want?" She growled "people are abusing Miya, because people are blaming her for Hanks death I need you to come clean." She looked away guiltily then she growled "why would I get killed over that?" "You love Miya and Derek still I can tell maybe she'd forgive you for leaving." She looked like she wanted to her mothering instincts were kicking in. "Please?" I asked "ill think about it give me until this time tomorrow" I nodded and left.

Deans pov

I wanted to find Miya, I wanted her to forgive me! Why couldn't she? I blocked my wolf out before he could say something.

I walked home knowing that giving Miya her space would let her had time to think. I called y friend Luke to hang out, he came over.

"Hey man" I said as he came in. "hey sup?" "Nothing so what do you think of Miya being my mate?" He was my best friend asides Derek "I think she's a cutie." He said, he was the only one besides Leah who wasn't mean to Miya. "Ya, she is I wang her to forgive me" "she will shes your mate, just treat her nice and respect her" "Yep, okay lets stop being girls and play some cod."

Leah's pov

It was time to meet Aubrey, I walked to the woods. I saw her "Hello Leah I have made up my mind" she said as she greeted me. "What did you decide?" "I will tell everyone at an assembly but if I am killed you have to promise me one thing." "What?" "Tell my kids how much I love them."

Aubrey and I walked back to the pack luckily my parents weren't home so she could stay at my place with me. I called Dean "I figured out a way to prove Miya's innocence call for a pack meeting in 10 minutes no pups but everyone else." "Okay, great."

It was time I went to Deans house everyone was in his auditorium yes he had one but it was small, just big enough for the whole pack. I saw everyone waiting I walked on stage Aubrey was waiting behind the curtains. I scanned the audience to make sure everyone was here including Miya and Derek.

"Hello everyone thanks for coming, we are here today to prove that Miya didn't kill Her father, Hank". Some people already believed me others didn't look to convinced. "Here is someone that can prove her innocence." With that Aubrey stepped out from behind the curtains. Everyone gasped they thought she ran off never to be seen again.

"Hello everyone" Aubrey started, she saw Miya and Derek. "Miya, Derek I missed you" they didn't say anything. "Miya didn't kill Hank I did, he wasn't my mate I was mated to a rogue" everyone's chin dropped. "My mate was jealous of Hank and wanted him gone and I agreed wanting to put the past behind me. We made a plan to get Hanks baby my baby, Miya to come outside knowing Hank would follow, he did and my mates brother killed him. A few years later he was killed as well by Miya and your alpha Dean. Miya I'm so sorry you had to go threw this because of my actions, and Derek I'm sorry you have a big regret now blaming Miya and seeing it wasn't here fault."

Dean then ran up shifting and pounced on her going to tear her throat out. Miya and Derek didn't even care. I heard loud growls and looked behind me seeing Aubrey's mate and other rogues. Miya's innocence was proven but one things for sure this was a trap!

Everyone go follow shaz4ever she has a lot of cool books and she's comments the sweetest things💕 GO FOLLOW HER!!

I know I promised it would be long but I couldn't express my ideas in this one chapter do next chapter will be everything starting to fall into place I promise

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