Drama yay

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So not going to reveal anyone's name but me and heather so um let's start.
Let's say....fuzzy....yeah fuzzy.
Said to me and rest of the friend group. "Tornado and rain told everyone about Kawaii and scar." Which so happens that Kawaii and scar are together and no one really knows. So fuzzy blames everything on tornado and rain. And us being curious investigate. I say "Hmmmm" Kawaii then suggests that we should ask tornado about the story. Kawaii being annoying pushes me to ask him. So I say "Did you tell everyone about Kawaii and scar."
Tornado look at me dumb fondly. Oblivous to what was happening around him."

*later when I go to 1st period*
I yell at fuzzy and fuzzy yells at me saying he didn't do anything.

*bus ride*
During the bus ride me and Heather sit next to each other talking. Then we turn to tornado who happens to be sitting across from us.
Heather like "Hey hey hey do you tell fudge"
"No...Andrews mad at me through."
"Are you fighting?"
"Fuzzy was talking to fudge during Apple vid egg dog. I heard him say "6 grade party..."

"I knew fuzzy did it!!!" I exclaimed

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