Ewww classws

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My classes suck so like firstly I have math righty in the mourning and my teacher just grabs a problem and says "solve it." Or "solve it with your partner" she doesn't yeah like wtf. I mean sometimes she will briefly of over it but that's sometimes.

Then I have science and my science teacher HATEs my Period apparently she is always gossiping about 2nd to 3rd >:(

Then I have intro to tec where I use drills and knifes. Right now our project is making a house out of cardboard which is going pretty well I presume.

The lunch which is FOoD
Oh ya! We got a new slulshi flavor like 2 weeks ago which is
Strawberry and..........
Cactus fruit punch
Cactus fruit punch


Then 4th for English which all we've  been doing lately was writing a essay and essay summary paragraph. I'm writing about Jekyll and Hyde because NOONE kNOWS THE FREAKINg BOok. I proved my point when a kid pointed to Their names and said "who is that?"

And then 5th which is SS or social studies I don't pay attetion just cause our teacher is so laid back. We are learning about earthquakes and floods fun!
And I tend to draw during this class

6th I have art were we just finished are value scales and are now one clay. The project is litarlly named clay

Yes rip

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