He Is Home

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I lay in my darken room watching the clock intensely . I know he was coming threw that door any minute by now. 3:28am . I was hoping that he decided to sleep out tonight. It had been 7 stressful days wondering if he was coming back or not . The first 3 days I prepared myself but after the 5th day I started to relax a little . getting to comfortable was a bad idea so I knew I had to stay alert . 3:34am I took a sigh of relief . If he wasn't home by 3:30am . I know he wasn't coming in tonight .

As soon as I turned over to get some rest . The front door open , I could hear him stumble into the house . My whole body froze . Hopefully he would be to drunk to want to do anything tonight or his hoes already satisfied him. I could smell him even with him down the hall. Whiskey was his drink of choice . My heartbeat started to fasten when I heard our bedroom door open. He walked over to me & turned on the lamp that sat next to our bed .

" Karlie ! " I squeezed my eyes tightly trying to pretend to be

" baby are you sleeping ? " his words slurred as he sat down on the bed an touched my arm that was resting on my thigh

" KARLIE GET UP BITCH ! " he smack me so hard I know it was going to leave a mark

" I'm up Kevin please " I cried out holding my face trying not to let a tear fall

" bitch you was playing sleep ? " he yanked the covers off me " take your fucking cloths off " he yelled

I looked into his bloodshot red eyes , I knew if I didn't comply , he would beat me even worse . I slowly took my night grown off , pulling it over my head .

" Karlie why are you such a bad girl ? " he gave me a evil smile , he reached out to touch my face I flinched scared he would hit me

He laughed which sounded more evil then humorous . I looked into his handsome face the one I fell in love with , I used to think that the world fell at his feet . He smiled at me

" done move ! " he said getting up going into our walk in closet . my stomach turn in nervousness . he came back out holding a belt . he softly hit it in his left hand as he held it in his right

" naughty Karlie ! " he shook his head at me as if he was talking to a child . " you have been a bad girl , putting me out last week " he paced around the room shaking his head the whole time

Last week I decided to stand up to Kevin after one of his beating and told him to get out . To my surprise he left without questioning . The first night I waited up , waiting from him to come threw the front door & lash out , but he never came.

" you thought you could put daddy out ? " he finally looked up at me with a half smile

I thought I could save myself from this beaten " Kev--in , Kevin I'm so---rry " I stuttered

He slowly walked towards me " no Karlie baby , your going to be sorry "

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. the first lash caught me by surprise . I screamed out in pain . I looked up to see him coming down again with another hard hit . Pain rocked my whole body as he quicken his pace . " Karlie you will fucking obey me !!" I tried to cover my screams by keeping my face into the pillow .

I heard our bedroom door slowly & softly open . " Mommie ? " our 6 year old daughter Kiley said. I didn't want my daughter to see her mother like this half naked , getting beaten by her father . " Kiley baby close the door mommie & daddy are playing a game" I couldn't believe her young innocence eyes had to witness this type of torture it broke my heart to watch as her eyes widen in amazement. " Daddy ? " she looked behind me as her father continue to beat me with a belt

" KILEY LISTEN TO YOU FUCKING MOTHER !! GET YOUR ASS BACK TO BED NOW ! he screamed at her causing her to break down in tears. I could hear her little feet running back to her room

I didn't want this life ! I needed to break free from him ! I needed an escape .

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