" one "

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ariana :: grande

i picked up my brush and started to paint my next work of art. i don't really consider myself great, but i'd like to think i'm pretty good at what i do.

cranking up the volume of my small speaker that boomed through my studios four walls, i start to get back to work.

my brush moves swiftly across the white canvas, as if it had a mind of its own. "ariana i'm leaving" rolling my eyes i shout back an ok, seconds later i hear the door shut. i was really getting tired of all this. we had just had a beautiful moment last night and now here he was again leaving me instead of being here with me, we don't spend as much time together as we used to when we first started dating...

i wasn't oblivious to what he was doing, i know he's cheated, multiple times too, i don't know why i can't bring myself to leave him, as soon as i'm determined to leave he somehow always ends up telling me exactly what i want to hear and like always, i fall for it. i don't deserve this. feeling myself grow angrier i stand up. throwing my brush at the wall i stop the music then head out the door.

making my way up to my room i walk to my closet and take a few pieces of clothing out. "if he's going to just leave me then i'll leave too, even if it is on my own" i whisper to myself and decide on an outfit. after putting it on and doing my make up i get my phone, purse and keys and rush out the door. locking up everything i get into my car and speed onto the road.

tapping on the steering wheel i think of where i could possibly go. just as i was going to make a left towards my favorite boutique my stomach starts to growl, so i make a quick left to grab some lunch. pulling up to the local subway i park my car and get down.

i reach for the door and pull it open, i'm instantly hit with the smell of bread. licking my lips i don't even look at the menu since i already know what i want, i order and then pay. taking a seat on one of the tables i open up my sub and dig in. i could feel my face looked angry but it was validated when i heard someone say "bad day huh?"

looking up i come face to face with a woman about my age, she was smiling and holding her sandwich and drink in her hands. her black hair was nicely curled and she had such beautiful green eyes, although they could be contacts, she was a few inches taller than me and had a great body, wow was i jealous.

snapping out of my thoughts i chuckled "kind off" she frowns and takes a seat across from me.

"let me guess, boy drama?" i nod and laugh, was it that obvious?

"well it was either that or you were really hungry" a small chuckle leaves my lips i must of said that out loud. "but i figured since you're really cute it had to be boy drama" my cheeks suddenly flush and a smile tugs on my lips.

once i decided to be less awkward, out conversation flowed smoothly and i learned her name was selena and that she's a photographer. it was so easy for me to talk to her it kind of felt like we had been friends for years.

unfortunately the fun had to end when i realized it was already about four twenty and i still wanted to hit up my favorite boutique.

"let me give you my number and we can hang out again sometime?" she said but it came out more like a question towards the end.

"of course! i'd love to get together again" she gives me her number and i send her a text right away so she could have mine.

i was so happy that i was making a new friend, i didn't really have as many friends as you'd think. it wasn't that easy for me to just befriend someone, i guess i just wasn't as open to let anyone come near me. but with selena it felt different...her vibe was great, she was so fun to talk to, idk i'm just really happy "alright by ariana" she says sending me a wave "bye selena" i wave back and head back to my car.

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