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"Oi,oi,oi! Where have those kids gone to?"

"Captain Yamato, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 19 and on my 20th birthday Grandma Tsunade promised to make me Hokage!"

"Speaking of which, why didn't you take the title after the war Naruto?"

Naruto gave a nonchalant smirk and moved his hands behind his head.

"Because," he turned to give his ex captain his famous wide grin. "I wanted to enjoy life a little more."

They continued to walk down the busy streets until they came across two familiar figures at a painting post.

"Why are you so unyouthful?"

"Caterpillar brows, I assure you that painting is a very youthful deed."

"Oi Sai, Bushy Brows! How about some Ramen?"

Sai and Rock Lee looked up from their semi- argument to see Naruto running toward them with Yamato close behind.

"Naruto you just got done eating like," Yamato unfolded his arms and began to count his fingers. "10 bowls of Ramen in a row." He huffed and started to pace.

Naruto turned to the stressed man with a strict frown on his face. "I only had 8 Captain Yamato, and besides I have to eat a ton to keep this thing satisfied." He lifted up his black and orange jacket and mesh shirt to revile a new advanced spiral tattoo on his well toned abdomen. Yamato could feel the heat radiating off of the girls around them. He was already having enough women problems as it is!

"Fine, but let's just go to a grill instead."

"ALRIGHT!" Naruto and Lee jumped in the air.

"Fine with me…" Sai followed silently.


"Why did you refuse?"


"Because what?"

"Just because…"

" "because" Isn't a legit answer Miss Haruno…"

Short pink hair trilled freely in the air as Sakura turned to look up at Gaara. "Because, I'm not up to that level yet. I don't have the self esteem to actually think I can train a student of my own." Sakura sat down on a near sand molded bench and slouched. "I'm not like Naruto; I don't have these "awesome" powerful jutsu to pass down or anything like that. I would just be … Sakura, the boring sensei."

Gaara sat down next to her and copied her pose. He looked underneath her bangs to find her face in a scowl. Gaara pushed back his tussled bangs from his face, having them only to return to the same spot, even messier. "I'm pretty sure Lady Hokage has taught you some rare medical jutsu, like how to cure that disease, and there's also her slug summoning." He looked at the ground as he made the sand twirl around his feet. "And also the insane strength. Even though I think most of that strength is natural…"

Sakura sifted a giggle but her laugh soon turned into a sigh as she sat up and leaned against the bench back. "The medical Jutsu yeah I suppose, but what if she doesn't want to become a medic-nin? Her disease… if I cure it she might take it as an invitation, but I can't leave her to suffer like that, my heart won't let me. So… so I'll cure her, but not to be my student of course!" she cut in quickly eyes wide. "The slug summoning… you have to have a contract with the animal. The animal you have a real connection with, and what if the slugs don't like her and reject the contract?" Sakura pulled her hair "Oh the insane strength, it's natural alright me and her both. That's something you have to be born with or with insane amount of training. The jutsu she taught me to enhance that strength I suppose I could teach that, but it won't do the student any good if they're naturally weak, ya know?" Sakura gave him a tense look as he just looked at her blankly.

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