The Change

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(y/n)= Your name

(w/n)= Weapon name 

(f/c)= Favorite color 

This takes place during the last episode of the first season (sorry for just throwing you out there) if I can get enough people who want me to continue the story, then I will

Onto the story!  (I don't own you or RWBY)

It was a cool, breezy night it Vale, nothing special was going on, but since the recent robbery at another dust shop, the old shopkeeper (we all know who he is) had hired you to help him with his shop.  So far he hasn't been robbed since Roman Torchwick robbed him a while back, because the old shopkeeper was trying to re-supply his shop, and thought it would be best to add some man power to it.  You had been working there for only a few months, but paid well enough to keep you on your feet.  It wasn't always that way though.


You woke up, getting ready for one of your last days at Signal Academy, you were so excited, you were set to go to Beacon Academy to become a huntsman, like your mom and dad.  They would sometimes be out on missions while you were in school, so seeing them was kinda up-and-down, sometimes more than other times.  As you got ready to leave the house, you noticed them both in the living room, which made you even happier for the day.

(y/n): Mom! Dad! When did you get home?!

Mom: Just a couple of hours ago actually.  Your father and I are pretty exhausted, so we're going to go take a rest, but you have a good day at school today ok?

(y/n): Got it! will do! Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I love you!

Mom, Dad: Love you too!

You're about to walk into class when Yang bumps you. No, you weren't best friends, but you didn't hate her, she was just a little more outgoing than you.

Yang: Hey (y/n)! 

(y/n): Oh, hey Yang, sorry, I didn't see you there.

Yang: It's ok, I'm just excited to get out of here! Just a few more days then BAM! Beacon Academy here I come!

(y/n): I hear ya, can't wait to get out of here...Although, you could say I'm a little...YANGSTY! 

Yang: Oh no, that was bad, even for me

(y/n): Yeah, sure, whatever 

Class started shortly after that and proceeded to go the whole day without any problems or interruptions.  On your way home however, is when everything changed.  You're walking through the woods, your house was on the outskirts of Vale (not Patch, but someplace of similar surroundings) as you made it through and saw your wonderful house, but you noticed a smell.

Then you noticed the door, wide open.  You got a bit worried, and pulled out your (w/n) and rushed into the house, hoping to find your parents completely fine, or fending off the attacker with you there to aid.  But no. No noise. No attacker.  Nothing, but pure silence.  You rush through the house, going in all the rooms, all but your parents bedroom because they never liked you snooping in their things, but you thought you might as well check.  

That's when you saw the most horrific sight.  

Your parents, dead, covered in blood, with gun and stab wounds.  You just fell to your knees and couldn't breathe, you couldn't even cry.  You couldn't even begin to understand, your parents were huntsmen, how could this happen? You just couldn't even process what you were looking at and just blacked out on the ground.

You woke up a couple hours later, looking at Taiyang and Yang 

(y/n): Where am I?

Yang: You're at the hospital, you were out cold when we found you.

That's when you remembered your parents, and how they looked on that bed.  Realizing that it was no dream or figment of your imagination.

(y/n): So I'm not dreaming am I? They're really dead aren't they?

Taiyang: I'm so sorry (y/n). Yang has told me about you, and I'm truly sorry this happened. I mean, who has the balls to try and take down not one, but TWO huntsmen?!

(y/n): Who knows... I don't care anymore...I just want them back...I'd do anything to be with them...They had just gotten home too...

You broke down into tears and Taiyang and Yang were there for you, your shoulders to cry on.

You got out of the hospital the next morning and decided to cancel your invitation to Beacon Academy.  You just weren't the same since just 24 hours ago, I mean, who would be?  You didn't know if it was gonna be a phase or something serious, either way, you didn't want to think about fighting or Beacon, you just wanted your parents back.  You took what money they left for you, took your favorite belongings from the house, and left.

You now have a small apartment in Vale and have been working for the Old Shopkeeper since then


Another day at the shop had finally ended, the Old Shopkeeper was just sorting some of the dust crystals for the store tomorrow.

Old Shopkeeper: I think that just about does it for the night, you can go home (y/n), thanks for another day of successful work.

(y/n): Yeah, no problem

You left the shop and walked over to your (f/c) motorcycle (bought after some leftover money and working in the store) 

You hopped on, and rode off back to your apartment

As you were riding back, you thought about Beacon, and how your life could've been if you decided to continue being a huntsman, all the new people you would've met and what people you would've been teamed up with.  It made you miss being a huntsman almost.  Then you decided to wipe that from your memory and continue to your apartment.

As you were almost to your apartment, you heard something by the docks.  Now, you would've ignored it if it was just a regular noise, but yelling and gunshots aren't usually what you hear at the docks.  You quickly turn towards the docks, ready to see whats going on. Weapon or not.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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