Chapter 14

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I wake up alone on the couch and immediately panic.

"Mitch?!" I stand up and start searching frantically through the house. I follow the sound of running water to the first bedroom off the hallway and find the room filled with steam and the bathroom door off of the enormous room cracked open. "Mitch?" I call in, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hi! Sorry, I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge."

"C-can I come in?"

"Uh, I'd prefer if you didn't." His voice is shaking, and I say, "Okay, if you don't want me to, I won't."

"Thank you." I start to walk away when I hear, "Scott?"


"I changed my mind."


"Positive." I push the door open and watch the steam move like tendrils around the room as I move to sit on the floor beside the shower. "Are you there?"

"Right here." There is a pause.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


Mitch and I sit on top of the desk in the cupola. I am sitting Indian style and he is in my lap, wrapped in nothing but a towel from after his shower. The desk proves its strength when we are both seated in the middle next to the open window, letting the salty wind and the lulling sound of the lapping waves into the house.

"It's gorgeous out there. I would ask if you want to venture out, but I know you don't." Mitch says.

"You know me so well."

"That's what happens when you know someone for fourteen years."

"Wow. Fourteen years, huh?" I close my eyes and let the breeze calm me again.

"Fourteen's a long time."

"You want to go out?" I ask, opening my eyes again.

"Yes, but you don't."

"Sure I do. Come on, let's go."

"There's one little problem."

"What's that?"

"I'm in a towel and there's no way in hell I'm putting those clothes on ever again." I can practically feel his mood drop.

"I have some extra shorts if you want them."

"They won't fit."

"Let's find out." I say, kissing his neck. He cups my face with one hand and redirects my lips to his. Then, he secures the towel around him and gets off my lap.

"Come on." I catch up with him a minute later in my bedroom where he is looming over my suitcase. "None of your shorts are going to fit. There's absolutely no way."

"How do you know? You're just looking at them."

"Because, look at you, and then look at me."

"Just try them, please."

"Fine, turn around." I flop on the bed face down and only sit back up when he says, "Yeah, they don't fit." The shorts are falling down his hips and he has his arms crossed protectively over his chest. I go over to him and kiss him. He puts his arms around my neck and tangles one hand into my hair. I lean back a little to see his face and push his hair out of his face.

"Tell me I look sexy with my hair pushed back." he says, taking the opportunity to make a Mean Girls reference.

"You look sexy with your hair pushed back." I whisper, leaning close to his ear. He giggles and leans against me. "I thought I lost you." He suddenly sounds close to tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you."

"How could you? I didn't even know where I was. Calling you was the hardest thing I've ever done. I just needed to know you were real still."

"I'm just as real as you are. Always have been, always will be." He takes fistfuls of my shirt and holds them tightly. I wrap my arms around him and say, "Do you want one of my shirts?"

"Sure." I grab one for him and slip it over his head.

"It smells like you." he says, holding it over his nose and mouth.

"Probably because it's mine." I say with a chuckle.

"Can we watch TV?" he asks, releasing the shirt so it hangs around his collarbone again.

"I will do whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want."

"Lay down." I lay on my back on the bed and watch curiously as he crawls over me and plants his hands firmly on my chest, his knees straddling my hips. He reaches up with one hand and runs his thumb over my cheek. "You're gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?" he whispers, letting his hand rest on my cheek. Then, he lays down next to me and burrows into my side.



"Promise you'll never let me go again." I put my arms around his waist and my chin on the top of his head.

"I will keep you close as long as you want me to. I swear to it on my life." He makes a small sound of content and lays his head on my chest, quickly falling asleep, and I do the same.


In my dream, I am with Mitch. He just asked me to marry him, and then suddenly I am being handcuffed to something solid and a gag is being put in my mouth. Mitch is pulled away from me, dragged along the ground by his feet, and he is screaming my name. I try desperately to get to him, but all it does is make the cold, hard metal rings around my wrists cut into me and make them bleed. I wake up and immediately look over to Mitch. He is curled up a few inches away from me. I get up to go to the bathroom, and when I come back a few minutes later, I find him sitting up against the headboard with his face in his hands and his shoulders heaving. I sit next to him and put my arms around him, letting him lean into me and cry into my shoulder.

"You're okay. I promise. I'll make sure of it." He moves to sit in my lap and slowly stops crying. I can barely make out the words, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Lots of fluff for my birthday (today)

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