~Chapter 3~

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Jonathan's P.O.V

I'm so nervous, I'm about to go on a date with someone other than my boyfriend. I know its wrong, but I want to be happy so badly, I need someone who makes me happy, and Evan made me happy that night. He can make me happy again. Just the thought of him makes me happy. As I got ready, putting on the same thing I wore last time, my phone vibrated. I grabbed it, and saw it was a text from my boyfriend. 'Hey I'm working late, see you around 12' 'ok, I might go out with some friends' 'which friends??'  'Madelyn, Amanda, Rebecca, and  Olivia.' I replied, saying some random friends from work. He didn't reply back, so I'm assuming he doesn't care. I got another text, but it was from Evan this time. 'Heyyy' 'Hii' 'I'm about to leave, you're still going, right?' 'Yeah, I'm about to leave also.' 'Awesome! I'll see you there!'  I put my phone in my pocket, put my shoes on, grabbed my keys, and locked the door when I walked out. The second I closed my car door, I had a huge panic attack. What the fuck am I doing?! I turned the car on. STOP! I started driving. I'M FUCKING CRAZY! I made a left. HE'S GONNA FIND OUT! I stopped at the stop sign. I'M SO DEAD! I kept driving straight. What if Evan doesn't really like you?  That made me pull over and think. What if Evan's just going to do the same thing he is right now?(he as in da current bae)What if he's just as bad?? I heard a small voice in the back of my head. But what if he's even better? What if he's just what I need? I started driving again, and turned the radio on so the car wouldn't be so silent.

*Le time skip*

I walked into the building to see it was packed, like it usually was. I pulled my phone out text Evan, and saw that he had just texted me. 'Hey, I'm in the parking lot'  My hands were shaking as I replied. 'Nice, I just got in the bulidong' 'Building*' Fuck. He's going to think I'm stupid now! 'Awesome, wait for me in the front.' Okay good, he didn't say anything about it. I stood in the front of the building and saw him get out of his car. He looked serious as he was walking, but then I saw him smile and wave at me. I waved back. "Hey! How are you?" He said as he approached me. "I'm doing pretty good, actually. How are you??" "I'm doing great." "Awesome, you ready to go inside the buildong?" I stopped for a second, and I felt my face go red. "Fuck you." I said while giggling. He threw his head back and laughed, and I noticed he has a really nice jawline. Is that weird?  We eventually got over it, and started to walk inside while talking about our selves and asked each other questions as we walked inside, then Evan asked a question that made me stop in my tracks. "How did you and your boyfriend meet?" I stood there for a second, staring straight ahead, looking at nothing in particular. I saw Evan stop and look at me with worried eyes. I took a deep breath, and started walking again. "We met at a coffee shop. He bumped into me after I grabbed my coffee, and it spilled all over me. He bought me another coffee, and a new shirt. Then we spent the rest of the day together, and he asked for my number." "Oh, that's kind of a cute way to meet." I shrugged. "I mean...it kinda hurt, considering it was hot coffee." He snorted and started laughing his ass off. I smiled a little, then giggled. The best part about that, neither were fake. After Evan calmed down, he looked at me smiling, and said, "I'm sorry, I just thought that was funny." I smiled back and said, "Nah its okay." We finally found an empty table and sat down. "Do you come here a lot?" Evan asked me. "No, this is only the second time I've been here." I said. "What about you? How often do you come here?" "I actually come here a lot. Not this area specifically, but they have dance lessons in that room," He pointed to an area that I didn't even know existed. "And since I'm a shit dancer, I take them." "I mean...you're not that bad at dancing." I said. He laughed. "Yeah, because of the dance lessons! Trust me, I was so much worse just a few months ago." After talking about random shit for a while, Evan stood up in front of me, held his hand out, and said, "Come Dance with me, Jon. "

a/n: i finally updated...yayy *sad party popper in the background*

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