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❝One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving❞

i'm done.

i'm so done with everything right now.

not in the 'holy crap im gonna commit suicide' way, but in the 'i am so fed up with everyone and everything at the moment' way.

except for him.

he seems to understand, and he cares. no one else seems to care anymore.

but he does, and i really really like that.

these letters make me feel real, make me feel some sense of normailty in a life that is currently anything but normal.

my mum isn't talking to me- she found out about the letter, and thinks it is my fault. my friends have become distant, and my teachers are being harsh because i slipped from an a+ average to a b+ average because i am struggling to cope.

it just doesn't seem fair.

and i don't get why it happens to me.

what did i do to deserve it?

but at least i have the letters.

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