Chapter 3

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After I washed my hands, I slipped out the restroom and made my way back to my team. I bit my lip just thinking about how tight and wet shorty pussy was. It felt like she had my joint in a chokehold. The way she fit like a glove around me, blew me away. I had my share of good sex, but hers was by far the best. I'll admit, I challenged her. When she sat down in my section, I labeled her as another hoe. By after she shooed ole' girl I was talking to away, I knew she was a different kind of one, if she was one. Studying her, I could tell she wasn't use to being told no and she had way too much confidence. Something I love and could easily hate. Only because she was a replica of me. I needed that nut after the long ass day I had.
Cherry, a Jamaican chick I dipped into from time to time, popped up at my place of business earlier and told me she was carrying a mini me. Upon hearing those words I lost it. I didn't dislike kids but the kind of life I lived was not a lifestyle to bring a child in. I was too busy with running a business to focus all my attention on a child. I was always careful whenever I fucked around, so how this bitch could be carrying my child, fucked me up. I always promise myself if I was to ever have a child, it wouldn't be by some bitch, it would be a woman I saw a future with and Cherry crazy ass wasn't her. Only words use to describe her was a come up money bitch. 

I sighed as I approached my team and sat back in my previous seat. Jay, Rome, Ty and Fabo was surrounded by half naked bitches. These was my boys and we had been kicking it since junior high. They had showed me on plenty occasions they were loyal. I chuckled and shook my head as my eyes searched the floor for her. I didn't see her and after tonight it's one out of ten if I ever will. Atlanta is pretty busy and big, I doubt it. What a pity. She'd probably be a good lay every so often. I smirked.
"Damn ma must have put that pussy on ya." I turned my head to see Rome smirking with a red chick shamelessly kneeling before him and unzipping his pants. Rome's a wide built dark skinned nigga around my age. He had a grain of curly hair on his had like myself and a mouth full of pearly whites as he calls it that always persuaded the honeys out their panties. On more than one occasion, people mistaken us for brothers. Rome was a "hoe" and he knew it. Dude couldn't stay with the same chick for more than a month.

"Mind yo' fuckin' business thotianna." I chuckled and shook my head. I grabbed another cup of Hennessy and took a shot as the a burning sensation tickled my throat on its way down. I sighed and looked around at my boys and smiled. It wasn't too often, I'd get to hang with them. Being the second in command under my dad companies was a full time job. I was only twenty-two and my dad had been training me since the age of sixteen to take over his spot. He was up in that age where he was planning on retiring. Hansel, my father was a well respected business man who had made millions, investing in others business and some of his own. He was a workaholic and very self-absorb man. I should know, I grew up with him my entire life and it wasn't easy. My dad was a hardball and he did a lot of things to me as a child, to make me out of a man. But he never notice how unhappy I was. I didn't want to attend meetings with him at sixteen, I wanted to sneak out the crib and attend parties like every other teen was doing at my age. To him, it didn't matter what the hell I wanted, it was all about what he saw fit. I wanted to make music, but that's another story.

My mother died of lupus two years ago and ever since, he's gotten worst. It was her, who saved me from plenty ass whoopings growing up. I always asked myself, how she stuck around so long? It's no secret my dad was a very abusive man. He hit my mother on several occasions, and yet she stayed. I don't know if it was because she loved or feared him. I'm hoping she stayed out of fear because no amount of love equals physical abuse. Growing up, I always thought she'd die from the beatings, but God had a sense of humor. I poured myself another cup of Hennessy before ole' girl from earlier plopped down beside me and clawed at my jeans with her long acrylic finger nail. I stared at her unamused and returned my attention back towards the dance floor. With the quickie I just got, I was set. I didn't plan on having another round with ole girl. That's not the kind of dude I am. Unlike Rome, I don't slang my dick in every broad. She clearly couldn't take a hint and decided to purr seductive words into my ear.

"Now that she's gone, how about I show you a good time." She suggested, but my mind was already made up and she wasn't getting any. Shorty looked like a straight up jump-off. Now really looking at her, I didn't understand what the hell I was thinking. This Hennessy has me tripping. I would like to call myself a casual drinker. I never engaged in more than two drinks a week. My boys call me lame and I'd say they're right. I like to have a good time but, my good time consisted of a night in watching a movie or reading a novel. Tonight was definitely out of the ordinary for me.

"Nah ma I'm good. Your service is no longer needed. If you'll please excuse yourself from my section." I dismissed her. I always tried to give women respect even if they didn't deserve it, that's just how my mother mold me to be. Me engaging in a quickie with the honey from earlier would be a first. I never hooked up with a random broad on the first night, it's too many diseases out here, but like I said before, she was a challenge. So I threw caution to the wind and took advantage of the given opportunity. Shorty looked at me sideways before she rolled her eyes and mumbled a few incoherent words under her breath. I remained calm in my seat as I watched her flee. Although all my boys had their hands busy with their share of women, I knew they were going to clown me for this later. Not just for dismissing shorty but for getting some ass in a public place. I just knew they'd never let me live it down.

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