Slender's Mansion

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Slender's Mansion

You weren't sure why, but just looking at the building made chills shoot down your spine and the small hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

You're not sure how long you stood there, simply staring at the out of place building before you said "What.. what is that place?"

"Home." A simple response for a not so simple subject.

"Home..? Care to elaborate?" 

Toby glances at the mansion before returning his attention to you. "This place is home to the Proxy's, and some other 'special cases'... It's called Slender's Mansion. The Boss is also sometimes referred to as The Operator, depending on who you ask..." he twitches a little, intensely paranoid, "This is a house of serial killers that have been 'rescued', essentially. They're... we're rescued from a terrible fate, but then put to work, doing Slender's business."

You gulped ever so slightly. "You stay there? You have no choice?" 

"I suppose we could leave if we wanted. But Slender would probably bring us back. ...that, and we don't really have any other home. We're serial killers. There is no place that would welcome us without calling the authorities." Twitch. 

"I... I see..." This was a lot of information to process. "Wait, then how are you in my high school and still unrecognized?" 

He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "It's... it's more of the outfit that people recognize..."

Suddenly, you both whip around, hearing a rustling in the brush behind you. 

"It's probably just an animal, right...?" You say, trying to reassure yourself more than him. 

"Yeah." Toby replied with a twitch, sounding unsure. 

You both turn around again, facing the mansion. Your headache still hasn't disappeared. In fact, it was worse than it has ever been. It almost felt as if your head was splitting in half. 

A sharp pain shoots through your skull, and you cry out in agony, dropping to your knees. 

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?" Toby asks worriedly, kneeling down beside you. 

You heard him in the back of your mind, somewhere, but you couldn't respond. The intense pain and deafening static prevented you from doing so.

"(Y/N)!" Toby called again. And again, you couldn't respond. The pure discord that was occurring in your head was overbearing. You couldn't move, couldn't process it. 

And just as quickly as it came, it stopped. Everything was silent, save for the light breeze rustling through the brambles and vegetation. 

Toby put his hand to your forehead, pushing the hair out of your face. 

"You're really pale..." he muttered to himself. He then stood up and held his hand out, offering to help you up.

You manage a shaky smile and grasp his trembling hand, hoisting yourself up. 

"What happened?" You both say in unison, and then laugh quietly, still unsettled. 

"I'm not sure, but I feel like we need to get you out of here," Toby answered after a short pause, the two of you looking back at the mansion one last time. 

"Yeah, that'd be nice..." you say with a small smile. 

"Okay, let's go."

"Go where?" an unknown voice says. It's deep, and you can almost hear the underlying insanity in his tone. You feel the stranger's breath on the back of your neck. "You're not going anywhere."

A sharp pain exploded on the back of your head. And then suddenly, there's nothing. Just darkness. Sweet relief. There might have been yelling, but at this point, the world was but a distant memory to you. 


Very short chapter, my apologies. I just felt like it was a good place to stop. I'll try to make write more in the next chapter. 

Things are getting legit boi. (Not really but okay. XD)

Thanks for reading! 


Don't Forget Me (Ticci Toby x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя