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Janesssa POV:

I was dancing to the music and out of no where I felt a sharp pain on my head along with the sound of breaking glass then I blacked out. I awoke in a dim lighted room that had a mildew like smell to it. I looked down to see myself tied in a chair and blood was dripping out of my hair.

"IS ANYBODY THERE?!? HELP" I screamed.

"You can scream all you want but nobody can hear you" said a deep voice.

"What do you want from me?"

"Is that the proper way to said hello Zondaya" asked the voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"of course you do sweety you know exactly who I am no matter what the police told you" said the voice.

"Wheres Chris?"

"Don't worry about that right now" replied the voice.

"Where is he?!?!?"

"Lets just say Hey won't make it through the night if you don't corporate" said the voice.

"Fine but please don't hurt him"

Chris POV:

I was looking for Janessa all through the house but there was no sign of her she wouldn't even pick up her phone. I heard someone call my name and when I turned around I felt a sharp needle like pain in my side and in a matter of seconds I passed out in to a deep darkness.

Pablo POV:

After I had that convo with boss man I knew that he was going to send his goons after to finish off what he started with Janessa and he wasn't going to let Chris in his way either. I searched all through that damn house and I couldn't find neither of them. As I was walking back down the stairs I heard a loud door slam out side itbwas a black van and I naww to guys putting Chris's limp body on the back and drive off.I grabbed my key dashed in my car and followed the van. I didn't want to hurt Janessa she was a friend of mine once before and Chris trusted me with his life.

Janessa POV:

"Who are you?"

"Dont worry about that doll just do as I say" replied the voice.

"What do you want from me"

"I want you to tell me everything you saw that night" said the voice.

"I can't remember anything!"

"Are you sure about that" asked the voice, I then felt a cold barrel against the back of my skull.

I couldn't do anything but cry.

Chris POV:

I awoke in what seemed like an abandoned house I didn't recognize it at all.

"Hello Christopher" said Boss Man.

"The fuck am I doing here?!?!"

"Dont worry Chris think of this as a holding cell" replied Boss Man.

"Why do I need a holding cell, get me out of this damn place!"

"Now calm down Chris I don't want to hurt you but I won't hesitate to tell my boy to drop you right here and right now" said Boss Man.

"Then tell me why I am here."

"I needed to get to Zondaya with out you getting in the way" replied Boss Man.

"Who the hell is Zondaya?!?"

"Oh it appears that your little girlfriend hasn't be completely honest with with you" said Boss Man.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Zondaya is your friend Janessa's real name" replied Boss Man.

"Wait what do you mean?"

"Well Chris that a long story but I guess I can tell you" said Boss Man

"Start talking!"

Pablo POV:

I followed the van to this abandoned house, I didn't park too close because there where two people standing guard. They were armed heavily that means there was no getting out of here with out bloodshed. I took my gun from under the seat and aim at both guards and killed them with one shot a piece. I ran as fast as I could to the door way I peeked inside and saw Chris tied up. I crept in side and hid behind a door. With out a thought I just started shooting where ever I saw movement.

Chris POV:

I couldn't believe what I just heard but it all made sense. I just couldnt tell Janessa or um Zondaya, whatever her name is. All I know is that I have to get to her before they do. Out of nowhere I hear gunshots and I see Pablo running towards me.

"Come on Chris let's go" said Pablo un  tieing me and handing me a gun.

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