Revealed Pt.1

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Janessa POV:

This is the moment that I have been dreading is here I would have preferred to tell him myself

but it appears that I won't be able to.

Chris POV:

Witness protection program what I don't understand.

"So Chris are you ready" asked the man.

"For what?"

"The story of course and don't worry it's quite a bit to handle" said the man.

"Y-Yea Im ready."

"Well I'm am going to skip the borning part and focus on one symbolic night" replied the man

Janessa POV:

I knew exactly what night he wanted to skip to it haunt me everytime I went to sleep, scenes replay over and over in my head. Tears rolled down my cheek just thinking about all that too place that night.

Charles POV:

"Well Zondaya's father was a notorious drug dealer, his family never had to worry about where their next meal was comming from. Now just remember this all happened approximately 3 years ago,but back to the story. So Zondaya's father cheated Boss Man on a drug deal, Boss man ended up loosing a good 900 grand. Chris you and I both know that boss man don't fuck around when it comes to money. So he gave Jason aka Zondaya's dad a week to paid it all back. Then a week passed and not one cent was paid back to Boss Man, he was hella pissed that was the most he had ever lost in one drop may I remind you so he ordered out a hit on Jason's family which includes little miss Zondaya.

Chris POV:

Why does this story sound so damn fimilar?

Charles POV:

"Chris you keeping up?"

-Chris nods his head-

"Alrighty then I will continue, so Boss Man father up his best group of boys he had including a new one I think he was about 15 years old at the time.

Chris POV:

No this cant be the truth he has to be lying.

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