Doctors love playing games

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I just love playing games with my patients, I don't know why I just love play games on them it seems I get joy out of it to hear their laughs and screams it depends on their injuries. It seems that how my E.R. works around these parts. I walk in the room where I have to take care of my sick boy patient. "Hello zhere my name is Dr.Schneeplestein." The sick boy waved at me and he coughed. "Whaz seems to zhe problem?"
Boy: "I have been coughing and I feel cold." "My nurse will take care of you my boy." The boy nods and the nurse comes in to take care of the boy. I walked back to my desk and sees a paper. I picked it up and looked at it and looked at my nurse. "What is thiz?"
Nurse: "Well that is a paper for a new doctor coming in today or tomorrow." "Ummm. It does not seem like a big deal." As I looked at the clock the time is 3:00 in the morning.
Nurse: "Dr.Schneeplestein you take a break for an hour or so."
"Dr.Schneeplestein never takez breakz!" The nurse laughs and walks away. I was working at my desk and I heard someone walking to my desk. I looked up from my work and I see a guy with black hair and with glasses and a lab coat on. He kind of looks like a doctor to me. Maybe he is a new doctor here. "Hello zir I am Dr.Schneeplestein what is your name?" 

The other doctor looked at me and smiles and he starts to speak in a high and low voice almost like mine in a way. "My name is Dr.Fischbach I am new around here but I know what I am doing in the E.R." It seems like he knows what he is talking about but I am not completely sure I can trust him just yet, but I have to give a shot I guess. "I can zhow you around the E.R. if you like Dr.Fischbach." 

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