Beach party

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Authors note- I recommend BTS one day instrumental whilst reading and after that EXO lucky one instrumental💖

I woke up to find baekhyun not there, I looked around the room, still no sign of him. Baekhyun ah I called out. No reply. I heard the doorknob turn and saw baekhyun enter. He was carrying a tray with a plate of toast and a cup of tea with a little vase holding a single red rose.
"Breakfast is ready" baekhyun smiled,
Oh my god baekhyun you didn't have to, I said whilst smiling. Baekhyun placed the tray on my lap and he sat in front of me buttering my toast, I can do that myself I chuckled. "I'm only trying to be a gentleman" baekhyun laughed.
I laughed at his comment. We both ate our breakfast whilst talking about what we're going to do today. Once we had finished sehun and Anisah walked in laughing and giggling. What's so funny? I asked curiously. "No, nothing" Anisah replied trying to hold in her laughter. Sehun put his finger on Anisah's lips saying "ssshh, don't tell them". Once they had finished laughing we planned what we were all going to do that day. We have all had breakfast, so right now we were all going to go shopping at the mall. When we arrived the mall was massive, it was really packed aswell, us four tried to find a local clothing shop but we just kept getting lost. "Maybe it's there" baekhyun pointer as we were looking for the toilets. We all waked to that area, "wow baek we literally just walked in a circle" sehun said sarcastically.
"Hey why don't we ask for help" Anisah questioned. So we all walked to the information desk. " hi there can I help you?" The women behind the desk smiled. We told her where we wanted to go, as she was showing us I could feel baekhyun staring at me, so I thought it would be really funny if caught him staring at me by looking at him, so I quickly shot him a look and he looked away smiling and blushing.

After getting directions and going to the toilets we found this really nice clothes shop. "We're going in this shop" Anisah said
"No, you're going to be ages" sehun moaned
"Yeah do we have to" baekhyun nagged
They were acting like a bunch of 5 year olds. Anisah grabs my hand and we enter the shop, knowing they were obviously going to follow us. We were looking at the dresses. There were really nice items. Then I remembered that baekhyun and sehun were still here. I turned around to find sehun and Anisah gone and baekhyun with me. Where have they gone? I asked
"Oh, Anisah's gone to try a dress on" baekhyun replied. I found this really nice dress with light blue flowers on it, perfect for the beach. " that's nice, why don't you try it on" baekhyun smiled.
So I did as he said and went to go try it on. I was in the changing room trying it on, just as I took off my clothes I heard a knock on the door. "Pssst y/n can I quickly come in, I'll close my eyes I promise" baekhyun whispered
What!, why? I asked him
" I'll explain if you let me in pleeasse" baekhyun replied. I quickly let him and his eyes were closed so he couldn't see me just in my underwear. Okay now tell me I said to baekhyun.
"Okay, well I think I saw my ex" baekhyun whispered
What!, your ex?, what is she even doing here!? I whispered loudly.
"I don't know, but she is still not over me and she is kinda one of those obsessive girls" baekhyun whispered
Wow what kinda girls did you used to date, I chuckled.
"Hey ummm have you gotten changed yet?" Baekhyun whispered
Oh, crap not yet, I said whilst slipping into my dress. Okay you ready, you can open your eyes now. Baekhyun looked at me from head to toe. " yah!, my girlfriend is so pretty" he gasped
Did you just call me your girlfriend? I said trying to make baekhyun say it again,
"Ah! Kkahb song, I, uh" baekhyun tried to get out before I cut him off by smashing my lips against his. He pulled my waist closer to his, and I threw my arms around his neck. He was kissing down to my neck leaving marks
"Ummm y/n, baekhyun are you guys done we kinda need to go before the bus leaves" Anisah giggled whilst knocking on the door for us. I quickly got changed with baekhyun's help.(😏😏) We both got out of the changing room to find Anisah and sehun smiling and laughing. Anisah nudged me in the arm and squealed, sehun just ruffled baekhyun hair, even though sehun is 2 years younger then baekhyun. We went to the counter to pay, and as I was getting my money out baekhyun offered to pay, but I declined because he had already payed for so much. Whilst I was paying I saw these 2 matching rings, I decided to buy it, and give baekhyun one ring and one for myself.

We managed to make it to the bus station and we all quickly got on the bus and back to the hotel. We all went into sehun's and Anisah's room, since they wanted to share rooms. "So what should we do now?" Anisah said
"Well there's this party at the beach in half an hour, do you think you'll be ready?" Sehun said trying to make Anisah look as if she spends ages getting ready.
"Of course I will you idiot" Anisah replied.
"Great, let's all get ready then" sehun said as he grabbed Anisah into a head lock. I really don't understand their relationship I said to baekhyun as we entered our room. "Neither do I" baekhyun chuckled. "Ooh do you know what you should wear" baekhyun said as he wrapped his arms around my waist from the back. What? I questioned
"That blue dress you bought today" baekhyun answered. I put on the blue dress then applied a bit of eyeliner and lipstick. I did my hair into a platt. Baekhyun wore a pair of shorts up to his knees and a navy polo t-shirt.

 Baekhyun wore a pair of shorts up to his knees and a navy polo t-shirt

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We both were ready, so we walked to the others room. I knocked on the door. "Sehun get the door, I'm still doing my makeup" you could hear Anisah yelling.
"Aish, Anisah I told you won't be ready on time, I know you better than you know yourself" sehun yelled back.
"Shut up" Anisah laughed. The door opened, "you guys ready?" Baekhyun said even though he knew the answer.
"Ugh, don't even get me started" sehun said sarcastically. Anisah punched his arm whilst she quickly did her hair into a high pony tail. "Okay I'm ready" Anisah said excitedly. "Finally" sehun said under his breath. " I heard that" Anisah said as she made a face at sehun and obviously sehun made a face back. We all arrived at the beach and it was fairly busy. There was a fires with people dancing around it, also a drink bar with loads of tables. We found a table for 4 and all sat down. Anisah and sehun got up to get the drinks. "Come on, let's go dance" baekhyun said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor. I had my arms around his neck and he slowly snaked his arms around my waist. This is perfect I thought, until... " oh my god, baekhyun"

End of chapter 8

Authors note: aaaggghh hope you enjoyed that really cheesy chapter😝
Btw my bias isn't baekhyun it's actually sehun, I made this story for my cousin💖

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