Chapter 4 Goodnight

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On our way to the hotel my and Josh joked around, and when a song came on the radio that we both like we sang at the top of our lungs. We ended up laughing at how off key we were.

"This why we're the drummers," Josh teased.

When we reached the hotel I didn't want to get out of the van. I didn't want the ride to end.

"Welcome to the hotel. I'll be showing you to your room," Josh said bowing.

"Yes, sir," I replied unsure of what to say.

We walked side by side into the hotel.

"You guys are in the room next to us. I think we only got to queens for your room is that ok?"

"Oh ya it's fine. Me and Jackie can share one."

He smiled, "Cool."

Walking down the hall I could feel his body heat rippling onto me. I looked at how close we were and my heart started pounding. This was probably my imagination, but did his hand just touch mine? Oh god oh god oh god. Relax Y/N.

"And here we are. This is our room. If I had to guess they're playing Mario Kart."

They were. Jackie was laughing as Alec rammed into a wall and Tyler crossed the finish line. 

"Ugh, one more game!" Alec pleaded looking at the score board seeing he got last.

"No, no more games. We'll be here all night if we wait for you to win," I command my hand on my hip.

"She's right," Jackie backed me up, "Plus I'm exhausted. We've been driving and practicing all day."

"Uh, Y/N and I drove most of the way here. You were just complaining from the back seat."

Josh laughed and Tyler flopped down on the bed Jackie wasn't sprawled out on. 

"Yeah same. I'm so tired," Tyler closed his eyes and rolled over. 

"Goodnight Ty," I laughed then turned to Josh, "I bet you want to get some sleep. I know I do."

Jackie and Alec bid farewell before Josh could respond.

"Yeah tomorrow's the big day."

"Ugh I know. I can feel my stomach knotting up just thinking about it."

"Don't worry about it. You'll be fine. You're an awesome drummer."

My heart did flips, "Thanks. I wish that made me less nervous."

"Any time you need reassurance look back stage I'll be there," I couldn't tell because he looked down but, did he blush? I'm not sure but I know that I was, I knew that for sure.

"Thank you. I'm going to go now. I'll see you bright and early."

"Yes I will. Goodnight Y/N."

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