The Final Act

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Nothing is as it seems. Nothing is as it's said to be.

Maxwell was seated on the ground, he overlooked the vast sea that laid before him, his legs were outstretched towards the water, as if they themselves wanted to be free. His short black hair moved like the grass in the wind. He let out a contempt sigh and shut his weary eyes. The sound of birds flying overhead, the washing of the waves, everything gave him a warm feeling, a feeling of freedom, serenity, only did the light tapping of feet on the grass cause him to stir. His eyelids lifted like shutters to a window, slowly. There stood his assistant, Charlie, her dark hair was a match to his, pulled into a bun in the back, her red dress the equal of crimson, she was offering a hand to Maxwell with a sweet smile. Just in the smile alone, one could tell she was still naive to the world Maxwell knew so well.

"Mr. Maxwell, sleeping on the job?" She asked, her voice was light, and had a bit of a lower ring to it compared to many other females Maxwell was acquainted with. He took her hand gently and she helped him up, Maxwell could feel his bones cracking. The woman let out a soft chuckle before escorting Maxwell up the stairs into the performance hall. On the many tackboards in the long stone corridor where posters for Maxwell's event, he was a well renowned magician with a beautiful assistant. 'The Great Maxwell' they called him, he could only laugh at the name, he didn't find himself any more greater than those in the audience, the only difference was he had the book. He opened the door to his dressing room, his many different suits and ties hanging up nicely on the twisted wire hangers, Charlie rushed around his rather small dressing room grabbing all the stuff they will need for their performance. Charlie seemed a bit anxious, she always was before going on stage, but being this way always caused Charlie to rush around and waste her energy she needed for the show. If this was their first time around, Maxwell too would be anxious, he used to be when he'd go on stage as William -- Charlie pulled Maxwell out of thought with a simple question.

"What's in this book?" She lifted the dusty book, the pages crinkled as she moved it, it sounded as if someone was crushing late fallen leaves in their hand, the pitch black cover was contrasted with a crimson 'M', the colour of the letter was much to the match of Charlie's dress. Maxwell quickly rushed over and snacted it from her pale fingertips.

"I-I do not mean to pry." Charlie said, feeling guilty for asking. Maxwell set the book back down on the desk quietly. He pulled Charlie into a hug and rested his head on hers, he felt her calm down under his weight, and eventually returned the hug. "I'm sorry I get so anxious as the performance nears, you just never know when it might be our Final Act." She said, emphasizing deeply the final words of her sentence.

"We must take every performance as if it will be our last, make it the most spectacular thing to ever cross the imaginations of the crowd, do not fear the performance, Charlie, there is nothing to fear." Maxwell replied, giving a light smile to the woman who in return smiled back. Just as if intuition he glanced at the clock and gasped rather loudly. "It's almost performance time!" He quickly let go of his wonderful assistant and quickly gathered the book, the dusty old book would be the real star of the show. The two rushed out and down the stone hall again, a bit of panic in both of their hearts. The stage director led them up the steps but stopped them just before the curtain.

"I'll introduce you on." He said, stepping on stage, the crowd, being overly excited for the performance let out a loud applause. The stage director lifted his hand and the crowd silenced, the stage director spoke up.

"I now have the pleasure of welcoming The Great Maxwell to the stage, please give it up for Maxwell the Great and his lovely assistant Charlie!" The two took a deep breath and walked on stage arm in arm. Maxwell nodded to Charlie and released her arm, giving a bow to the now ecstatic crowd. Charlie in turn bowed as well, Maxwell lifted an arm, and a hush rolled over the crowd like a mist. Charlie presented the book then opened it for Maxwell. Maxwell gave a smile and began with small conjuring, he spelled his and his assistant's name in the air, the crowd was astonished. Time passed, as did a few new tricks, but it soon came to the final act, the final part in tonight's show. Maxwell turned to the crowd, a cocky smile plastered on his pale tired face.

"I have one more trick I wish to showcase today, you will be the first crowd to see it performed." The crowd lost the silence, they were excited. Charlie held the book before Maxwell once again, but tilted it vertically, a difference in presentation. Maxwell then shoved his hand through the book, rather, into the book. Although his forearm was visibly missing, it wasn't on the other side of the book, there was no hole. The crowd was really impressed, even Charlie was. As Maxwell attempted to pull out something from the book, something decided it was going to try and pull him in. Maxwell's face turned from his cocky smirk to sheer fear. Charlie, out of terror dropped the book, Maxwell managed to pull his arm from the book, but as he did he released a greater force upon the world. Dark shadow like hands emerged from the book like a demented flower. The arms snatched up the magician and his assistant. The two grabbed for each other, they wanted so desperately to save each other, but couldn't even save themselves. For the two everything went black.

Maxwell felt a sharp pain that caused him to wake up, the pain came from his wrist, it was as if a dark painted barbed wire was strapping him to an evil throne. He frantically looked around.

"Charlie? CHARLIE!?" He shouted, no other sounds but that of his echo bounced of the walls. He realized he was as he had always been,


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