Searching For An Answer

545 19 2

"Hyung where are you going?" Jungkook ask Jimin, who is now busy fixing his hair infront of the mirror in their living room. He wears a navy blue long sleeve match with a black jeans, and a snapback.

"I'm going to somewhere with Yoongi hyung.. why?" Jungkook looks at him with a wide grin, "Hyung can I follow? please hyung, please...I'm bored stuck at our dorm.." he pouts cutely at his hyung. Jimin ruffles his hair, but before he reply the younger.. Jin walk in to approach them, he wraps his arms to the younger shoulder.

"No Jungkook, today you have to record your part with Namjoon, remember..?" Jungkook raise his eyebrow to the oldest hyung, Jimin still look at his reflection in the mirror without looking at them. Jin wink his eyes to the younger with a just-listen-to-me look. The younger then nodded furiously, understand what his hyung mean.

"Jungkook-ah mianhae, seems like you have no luck today.. we'll hang out next time okay?" he smiles at his lovely dongsaeng sadly, he will be happy to bring the younger because he love Jungkook so much, but in brotherly way.

"Ah, gwaenchanna hyung, have fun! you and Yoongi hyung seems stressed out lately..." Jimin smile with a faint blush on his cheek,

"Jimin-ah you're done already? let's go before I sleep again..I'm still sleepy..." Yoongi rolls his eyes before he yawn for the nth times that morning.

"Just what the hell both of you doing last night? you don't fuck right?" Jin ask with a stern voice, as soon as the maknae leave them of course.

"Yah, hy..hyung..we're not doing anything.. we're just chatting.." Jimin answers in panic, his face is red as tomato now, Yoongi only smirk at Jin.

"So what if we're-" "Hyung let's go already, aish.." Jimin grab his wrist and pull him towards the door.. leaving Jin behind them. Yoongi chuckles at his dongsaeng action, mutter 'cute' under his breath.

"Let's go to a coffee shop first.." Yoongi suggests as soon as they enter a taxi. The younger only nodded. Yoongi notices that Jimin is shivering in coldness. "Are you okay?" he ask Jimin. "I'm okay hyung..just a bit cold..."

Yoongi without any much thinking grabs the younger hand and intertwines it, he rubs their hand gently. Jimin smiles at his hyung, "Thank you..I feel better now.."

"It's okay Jimin-ah, just tell me if there anything.." Jimin nod again, they meet in silence after that, but still intertwines their hands. Sometimes the older will squeezes their handa tighter.

At the coffee shop, they sit comfortably across each other. Jimin ordered caramel macchiato while Yoongi ordered hot mocha. Yoongi also ordered sandwich for them, eventhough Jimin reassures him it's okay, but Yoongi don't care because he saw Jimin skip his dinner last night.

Jimin pouts cutely, "Ah hyuung.. I need to lose weight.." Yoongi gives him a death glare, "Yah, my body is naturally born thin like that.. you don't have to diet.." Jimin face is gloom again at Yoongi's words. "How lucky you hyung... I wish my body is like that too.. I'm envy at you.."

"Don't worry Jimin-ah.. I will make sure you don't gain more weight okay? don't worry.. just trust your hyung...I've been go to the gym lately if you want to know.."

Jimin giggles again, he's so cute eventhough he is in Suga's body, everything under his control will automatically cute as hell.

"Yeah, jinjja?? that's great hyung! I thought you want to be a stone in your next life?" he teases his hyung, Yoongi only chuckles. "Hey... Jimin-ah do you remember what time that day the ahjumma gave us her cookies?"

"I think it's around 2 p.m..."

"Okay, we'll go to the park after this..."


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