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Time flies really fast, and it had been 5 years since Yoongi and Jimin got married. Marriage stage is not pretty easy for them, life has been rough but with their strong love, they still remain together.. Ever since Bangtan disbanded, due to contract expiration and each members have their own career to pursue, they split into their own way after having a sweet, beautiful farewell party. Hoseok and Taehyung already got married 4 years ago, with Taehyung as a successful actor and Hoseok opened a dance studio. His talent should not be waste right? Meanwhile, Namjoon and Seokjin work together as a duo as a new group, they are shining among the stars, with Namjoon as a powerful rapper and Seokjin as a vocal. Jungkook? He signed contract with JYP entertainment as a solo singer. That maknae had always caught attention of other big company since he debut, due to his original handsome face and his multi-talents. He is still with Jihyun, that lovely couples is entering their third year together.. Jihyun is a bright kid, he is currently an intern at a hospital in Seoul. Yep, he's gonna be a doctor. Jimin is very proud of him.

The moment Yoongi received a letter from a music company in New York 4 years ago, he and Jimin was speechless, they never thought that luck will be on their side. Yoongi almost gave up after they disbanded, unfortunately for them, they became jobless. Living under one roof with Jimin's parent is embarrassing and lowered his pride as the head of the family, although Mrs Park and Mr Park assured him they are happy living together with the married couple, but Yoongi wanted to give Jimin more, he wanted his sunshine to have their own home with him, new clothes also a new car. He was grateful because Bang PD helped him by recommending him to that company. And finally.. finally now he and Jimin are living in a comfortable and spacious apartment in the middle of New York city.

It was hard for them though, considering the fact that both of them are totally have a zero knowledge of English language. Luckily, the CEO of the said music company is a Korean, so they were guided by him, and he was kind enough to gave Yoongi a small yet nice apartment for the time being, it was near the studio; where Yoongi will be working.

He is currently a music producer at the music company while Jimin working as a dance teacher at a dance academy, also owned by the same CEO, with the money they collected for the years working together, they finally managed to buy their own apartment and Yoongi bought Jimin a car on his birthday last year. Yoongi think that's enough, there life are complete now that he can support Jimin and shower him with his love and money. But Jimin feel something, something is not complete, he wants a kid, or maybe two.

One night, Yoongi as usual on their bed with his laptop on his lap, working on his music. Yoongi is quite workaholic now, because he is one of the important producer at the company. Sometimes when Yoongi had to work at the studio until dawn, Jimin was pissed off. He was always neglected by his husband and he feels lonely. Not to mention the lack of sex they are having now. Maybe when they have a little sunshine running around the apartment will be nice right? But Jimin wants a kid from his own seed or Yoongi, he doesn't want to adopt. And he wants to give a kid for his lovely husband. "Yoongi..." Jimin scoots closer to his husband, trying to get his attention. The elder doesn't even spare a glance to him, but he hums lowly. "Yoongi.. are you happy... with me?" and the question really caught the elder's attention. Yoongi scrunches his nose, he took off his glasses and put his laptop aside.

He stares deeply at the latter eyes, trying to find any answer in that brown orbs, he smiles, "Jimin-baby... what are you talking about? Of course I am happy.. I love you, remember?" he cupped the younger's cheeks using his pale palm. Jimin sighs, "But Yoongi... you keep neglecting me...your always with your work.. leaving me alone at this big apartment.. I'm lonely Yoongi!" Yoongi frowned at Jimin's words, "What are you trying to say now, huh Park Jimin?" Jimin gulps, it's Min Yoongi.. He's really a beast when he lost his temper. "I... hmm... never mind.. just forget it.. I want to sleep.. night..."

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