Rescuing Her

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Her blonde hair had haphazardly come undone from its braid, while her eyes were wide as saucers, filled with terror. Her mouth was contorted into a grimace, and she stood there, gaping at him and wheezing.
"Sorry. That was the first time I've ever melded with someone before."


She rolled her head to stretch her neck. "Man, that was some Nasty black magic,"

His mouth had gone completely dry. One minute his best friend, Jack, was in front of him and then the next....

The witch had put them both in the same body. From the smile on her face, Tom could tell it was her looking out of his best friends eyes.

"Well?" She spun, his voice coming out cracked and garbled, "how do I look?"

Tom couldn't keep the horror out of his face, "what have you done to him?"

The witch gave him a look, "chill out. Your friend is fine. My consciousness is in control but his human stick will cover my magic so that we can get through security."

Tom shook his head. This was too weird.

Jack clamped a hand on his shoulder. Tom looked up at the rough face of his friend. The only give away about the witch who controlled him was the faint smell of vanilla around him.

"Listen," she said with Jacks voice, "if you want to have any chance at getting your sister back then you are going to have to trust me."

Tom snarled and shoved her hand off his shoulder, "why does that not sound promising?"

She rolled her eyes, "your sister trusted me, why can't you?"

"Maybe because you witches are known for going back on their word," he said with a pointed look at her bag of potions on the floor where she had stowed his gold payment.

"Well I can't help how you feel, Tom. You humans are the least trusting people out there. Geeze, you think everything is a conspiracy."

"Because usually there is more going on than meets the eye!" Tom said defensively.

She straightened her tie and threw back her shoulders. "If you say so, now are you coming? Or do I need to get your sister on my own?"

Tom glared at her for a moment before she smiled and turned on her heel towards the door where the limo was waiting.

It was nearly an hour long drive to the palace. The whole time he had to put up with her singing along with the radio using Jack's howling voice. Tom was about ready to throw her out the window when the car began to slow.

Jack was out of the car before he could stop her.

The red carpet down the stairs of the palace was lined with photographers a and excited young women.

The witch was grinning slyly as she gazed out at the crowd and then up at the glowing palace. He saw some lower class humans, some elves, and a few other brute races like the miniature ogre. But no magical beings. There never would be.

She leaned towards him casually, "this is the first time I have been this close."

Obvious excitement covered her face. He tried to ignore her.

Over a decade ago the beings possessing magic had been hunted to near extinction. They weren't allowed anywhere near the capital city where the human king ruled. Let alone to the steps of the palace itself. With their unchecked power, it was a wonder that they hadn't been cast out of all the realms.

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