Better Than a Atheist? (SylviasSword)

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!Hi. SylviasSword here. And I wanted to ask you a question. Are you ready ?Here it is. From the deepest corner of my heart. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE BETTER THAN AN ATHEIST?Now, I'm not trying to point fingers or assign blame here (Again, that's not Christian). But, really, isn't that kind of what we're taught from a young age? Not in so many words, but everything seems bent towards that reasoning. But the thing is, we're not better than a nonbeliever. Far from it. We are their equals. They are our brothers and sisters, regardless of faith. Just because we kneel to the all-perfect God's throne, it doesn't mean that we are suddenly better than an atheist or something. If anything, it means that we should be able to see the light of our faults that much better, BECAUSE our god is so perfect and all knowing. I know at school, maybe you ask people if they're Christian, and if they say no, you might immediately try to convert them, or avoid them like the Black Plague. God wants us to love EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, faith, and beliefs. Even if they contradict your own.

 So, remember these things. Love everyone. You are loved. Everyone is equal.



Discussion and note by MoreThanHope

Discussion questions: What's one way we can witness to athiests?

Also, Sylvia is our new Advanced Member so give her a round of a applause! 

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