Chapter One

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(You): "Finally the school day is over. Thank god, I couldn't last another minute in that hell."

You walk home with two friends, Samara and Justin.

Samara: "Tell me about it."

Justin: "Agreed."

(You): "I just want to stay home and play League with you guys. By the way, have you heard of the new champion coming out? She's supposed to be based on a mythical creature that is actually real, y'know?"

Justin: "Really? That's sick! Do you know anything about her?"

Samara: "I do! She's supposed to be a mage, mid-lane, *whispers* duh  and she also is like a fox or something... nine tails?"

(You): "Yea, but she doesn't sound real. Maybe some made up Naruto shit."

Samara: "You don't know that Mr. I'm so smart (your name)!"

Justin: "Jeez Samara, you don't have to get so pissed off. Why are you so protective? Did you see her? Are you friends with her?"

Samara: "Shut up! *whispers* asshole"

Justin: "What'cha say?"

(You): "Doesn't matter. Let's try to find this nine tailed god. Heard she was hot."

Justin: "A hot mage? Hell yes thank you Riot."

Samara: *whispers* Pervs.

Justin: "What?"

Samara: "I. CALLED. YOU. A. PEEEERRVVVVVV, deaf ass-wipe."

Justin: "Whatever. I'm letting it slide this time."

Samara: "Keep trying to threaten me and I'll kick your ass."

Justin: *pouts* 

You make it home with your friends and log on. You play until 12:00 PM.

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