Part 1

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The air was fresh, the rich green leaves were gradually turning crisp and weakening on the branches as the summer season drew to an end. The abandoned high school remained empty, halls free of chattering teens, throughout the long summer months as only the occasional overworked teacher stepped foot inside to get a headstart before the new term began. As August ended, and September began, dread and reluctance filled the stomachs of all the students returning.

Except for Lola. She had never been so relieved to finish high school two months ago, and was definitely not going to miss it. Maybe a couple of exceptions, like sitting under the willow tree at lunchtime with Jackie or when the cafeteria sold the most amazing red velvet cupcakes on Fridays. Those were the only things Lola might miss, but apart from that, high school was a distant memory to her now.

Harry on the other hand, had been debating whether to return and complete another year. At the end of last term, he couldn’t keep his head on his schoolwork with Andys death, and other things that were getting him down. He couldn’t wait for school to end, and planned on finishing education and perhaps just getting a job. But Andy had hoped Harry would gain some decent qualifications and it was something that stuck in Harrys head now that he had passed away. Anne had encouraged him too, reminding him how well Gemma was doing at University, which didn’t particularly make Harry feel better.

The summer had been refreshing for Lola, because every other summer was usually just spent with Jackie and trying to entertain Jake while he was off school too. Lola had gotten a part time job at a local cafe, which helped her gain some cash to keep her busy. She also felt a lot better being able to pay something back John for his generosity, even if it was just a little.

Harry had been doing his usual summer activites, playing football through the hot days until the sun began to set on the field and his curls were sticking to the back of his neck. Also going out at night, and spending lazy mornings cooped up in bed until 1pm, often persuading Lola to stay in with him. 

Since Harrys room was bigger than Lolas, she decided to move some of her things into there and let Jake keep some toys in hers. Despite his bad habits and messy ways, his bedroom had more of a cosy feel to it than Lolas did. It was so much nicer to share his bed every night, and she soon had forgotten how it felt to sleep alone in a bed without the warmth of another person beside her

After they had returned from finding Lolas dad, their relationship had blossomed and gotten stronger in a matter of weeks. It was the first phase where they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Although Lola and Harry had known each other for a couple of years, it was like being with someone for the first time; it was new, fresh, fast and exciting. Lola couldn’t believe that a few months ago she was disgusted at the sight of Harry, a sick feeling arising in her stomach knowing what he would do to her. But now when she saw him, she got that same whirling sensation in her gut but this time her heart would beat a little faster, and she could feel the edges of her mouth involuntarily twitching upwards.

It was like two different people, and she still struggled to comprehend that a person could just change like that. She knew Harry’s emotional grief was responsible for his actions, it was kind of understood between them now. But was that really all it was? Our darkest outward displays of behaviour are only a mere reflection of the potential lying deep inside us. We can have the brightest personalities, but sometimes we are completely unaware of what lies within us. Sometimes it never has a chance to be shown. It only takes one thing to trigger it. Some people say that deep down, we all have it in us to commit the worst.

Living together, and spending so much time together, they had yet to be sick of one another. Sure, they had arguments and tiffs but nothing major. Lola did sometimes get a little twinge in her belly, worrying that she might have pushed Harry a bit too far. It was instinct.

Damaged Goods Part 2Where stories live. Discover now