Part 13

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As Jake returned home the following day, he was happy with his visit as he was oblivious to the row that occured between Harry and Lola. He had fun playing with his toys and seeing the sea, and looking at a new city, and getting to ride the train home. Lola was relieved that he’d had fun with her, but she felt terrible for being such lousy company and an irresponsible sister.

Her hangover eased off and she forced herself to complete some uni work that had been put off. She distracted herself by getting it finished, which was the most constructive thing she’d done. And she felt happy to have accomplished it. Next to sort out was Harry. She felt uncomfortable knowing he was probably still mad at her for the way she was acting.

When she looked back on it, she knew he had every right to call her useless and ring Norma. He was taking responsibility that she should have had herself.

Lola paid him a visit a few days later, when she found a spare hour between lectures. She was reluctant to put her hands up and admit she was wrong, but she knew she had to. She knocked his door and soon got a flashback of last time she stood there, hearing the sex noises coming from the other side. It made her chest ache to remember it, the panic that initially washed over her at the familiar sound of Harry’s grunts.

Lola was pulled back to reality as Harry’s cocky roomate Michael suddenly opened the door. She sighed as he smirked at her arrogantly, giving her a shameless pervy look up and down. She looked past him into the flat and saw Harry sat down with papers and a pen between his teeth. He was stuck into his work but his olive eyes were locked on where she stood at the door, an unimpressed expression on his face.

"I actually ordered pizza but you’ll do just fine babes" Michael said

"Ugh" Lola shoved past him, into the flat. She approached Harry hesitantly, who was sat at a desk with the TV on.

"A tease…..I like it" Michael sneered, wriggling his feet into some trainers and slipping a jacket on, holding the door open.

Lola stopped at Harry’s desk where he sat, and turned her head to Michael giving him a dirty look. Michael knew flirting with Lola would wind her up, which only encouraged him to do it more. He was just that kind of guy. He sniggered and gave Lola a wink, making her scoff in disgust. She hated boys like that.

Michael left the flat with a careless slam of the door. Lola turned back to Harry, realising she’d barged in abruptly with little explanation. The TV was on quiet, a rerun of an MTV reality show.

"I’m trying to get my work done, if you wanted something, save it til later yeah?" Harry said, not bothering to look up at her to properly acknowledge her presence.

"I want to apologise for the other day, I-"

"I don’t wanna hear it right now"

"Well i’m here right now so just hear me out?"

"I’m still pissed at you" Harry said through gritted teeth as he wrote on paper, the tendons in his fingers clenched as he gripped the pen

"I realise why you were mad"

"Not were. AM. Your attitude to other people stinks and it fucking pisses me off"

"I get it okay! I do think you’re being a little over dramatic saying that though. I know I was wrong to have Jake when I was in that kind of state" Lola insisted, getting frustrated that Harry still wasn’t looking up from his work. She needed him to look at her when she was saying sorry, so he knew she was sincere. It was hypocritical to call her rude when he was blanking her apology.

"Harry will you look at me for god sake"

Harry let out a sharp exhale and put down his pen. He spun his chair slightly and looked up at her moodily, crossing his arms across his abdomen.

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