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Okay to start this off.....I GAVE MY CRUSH A PENCIL! 

I know that sounds lame but I was sooo happy :)

Heres How dat went:

So you know Im just doing my daily routine in class and he sat next to me....and kept asking the teachers for a pencil. He didn't get one so I was just like *le grabs a pencil from behind le back* Then I gave it to him -_- and my hand was shaking soooo much. He left the room then gave me the pencil back at the end of class :) *IM JUST A CUTE LITTLE FANGIRL WHEN IT COMES TO HIM*

During Art I told my friend (levibae123) and she was like "HE WAS TRYING TO HOLD YOUR HANDDDD"

I shook my head and told her to shut TF up.

"Did he give it back?"

I nodded my head.


"But he didn't touch my hand....?"


*Im done...SMH* -_-

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