I Choose You

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AN: I know, everyone uses this title. Had to use it once ;)

“Baz…” Simon’s pain-filled whisper could barely be heard, but Baz heard it. Simon knew he would; even if no one else ever heard him, Baz always would. Said vampire was by Simon’s side in an instant, opening his arms and letting Simon lean into him, burying his face into his chest. Baz wrapped his arms around Simon and squeezed him gently, letting him know that it was okay. Everything was gonna be ok. Simon let a few tears slip down his cheeks and Baz’s hands wiped them away. Simon curled up into a ball, practically sitting on Baz’s lap. For once though, Baz didn’t seem to mind the closeness and the physical contact. He merely shifted so that Simon was more comfortable and continued to hug him, something he’d never done before (even when they’d been kissing. He’d never been this… gentle. And comforting). Agatha had run out long before, so neither boy was worried about her butting in on their little moment with a prude comment or a jealous scream or something equally obnoxious. Penny was there though, and she was eyeing them with a look that clearly said she wasn’t at all surprised, which, if truth be told, annoyed both boys greatly. The Mage had long since been covered and carried away, and Simon had managed to say a few goodbyes to the already dead Ebb before she was taken away too. After that he had just kinda collapsed and become too tired and emotionally compromised to do anything, so he just stuck like glue to Baz who managed to know just what he wanted or was trying to say without actually talking to him. Their connection was obvious, and they didn’t seem to be trying to hide it. Though neither one of they teens actually came out and said that they were together, it was quite obvious to anyone who happened to catch a glance of the two. They were inseparable and just looked right together.

    Later that week found Penny and the new couple sitting criss-cross on the floor of the Grim-Pitch library. Penny claimed to have suspected all along that something like this would happen (at this point waving her eyebrows wildly ((and suggestively)) at the boys), and saying that it really wasn’t that big of a surprise. Simon just rolled his eyes as Baz scoffed and began to argue with Penny, though for once it seemed to have a friendly air to it. As Penny and Baz continued to go at it (though Simon was pretty sure they were on their fourth or fifth topic) he couldn’t help but smile. His best friend and his boyfriend (Crowley, really? Boyfriend? It sounded too good to be true) seemed to be getting along as well as they possibly could be, and Simon couldn’t be happier. Finally, his life was taking a turn for the better. Even without his magic and with his tail and wings he finally felt complete, and he could only hope that it wouldn’t end anytime soon.

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