Fire Burns

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Simon’s POV

“Baz!” I yelled. I could see him on his knees in the middle of the clearing. I ran towards him. I didn’t know what was happening but I could smell smoke and see what I thought was fire, and I had to make sure he wasn’t doing something he’d regret later. Like killing himself. I sprinted towards my roommate and gasped. He was surrounded by flame, as were the trees and brush on the outskirts of the small forest. “Baz!” I yelled again. “Whatever you’re doing, cut it out!” He didn’t move; didn’t even acknowledge me. I flung myself forward and his nearly popped out of his head as I planted my hands firmly on his chest, nodding at him. His grey eyes shrank back to normal size and he gave a small nod back, and then proceeded to ‘tap’ into my magic, using that to quell the fire that now seemed to be everywhere. I could tell when he had finished because all of a sudden I felt a lot less in-control, like normal.  See, that’s the thing that I hadn’t told anyone, even after we had figured out that I had been able to open my magic up like a tap and let it flow into someone else; when Baz takes control of my magic he becomes in-control of it, and I can feel that. I can feel his control, feel the firm, steady grip he has on my magic. He bends it to his will and it listens to him. Since it’s my magic and it is still mine even though he’s using it I can feel that control too, and that’s a thing I’ve never, ever felt before. I feel in-control even if I’m not the one using magic, and I’ve found the feeling quite… enjoyable. I like it when he takes control of my magic. I like it a lot (not that I’d ever tell him ((or anyone else for that matter)) ). He’s staring at me now, his eyes boring into mine, really looking into them versus just at me. I feel myself short of breath with him looking at me like that. I look back into his eyes just as deep as he’s looking in mine, and I see feelings that I can’t quite name. Desire? Resignation? Love? Pain, that one’s obvious at least. And is that… fear? I blink, breaking out contact, and look at his face now. Our faces are barely an inch away, and I can feel his heart racing beneath my hands, which are still on his chest. I’m not quite sure which one of us does it (I think we both do it, actually) but the next thing I know my lips are on his and he’s kissing me and even more surprising- I’m kissing him back. And I love it.

Baz’s POV

“Baz!” Simon’s cry barely reaches my ears. There’s a pounding so loud that I can hardly hear anything else, and it’s just too much. I think I can feel my magic cutting loose, but I can’t really tell. I can see flickering on the back of my closed eyelids, so I know there must be fire, but I’m cold. So cold. I can’t feel a thing; I’m completely numb. I hear Snow yelling something, but I can’t quite make it out. I don’t really care. Or do I? I don’t know anymore. I guess spending seven years living with the one person that I want the most but can’t ever have is finally taking it’s toll on me. I mean, I have to break at some point, right? Why not now? Just as I’m about to slip away and let the darkness take me (which I would gladly let it), I feel something on my chest. Two somethings, actually. And they’re… warm. I can feel their warmth. But everything else is cold…

I open my eyes. There’s fire everywhere, the meadow is completely engulfed in my flame- and Snow is kneeling in front of me, practically on my lap, with his hands on my chest. I’m embarrassed to admit that that takes my breath away more than the startling realization that I’ve set everything within 100 feet on fire. He nods at me, and I realize what he wants me to do. I nod back ever so slightly and close my eyes as I feel his  magic flow into me. It’s warm and lovely, just like him. ...ok, that sounded cheesy even in my head. Anyways, I feel so in-control, even though the amount of magic in me right now is almost overwhelming. I channel it and aim at it putting out the fire; my fire. When I finally feel the fires go out, I take a deep breath and then open my eyes.

Snow is still directly in front of me, his face a mere couple inches from mine. I’m having a hard time breathing, but I think I do an okay job hiding it. He opens his eyes and they meet mine- no, they look into mine. People always say that the eyes are windows to the soul, and if that’s true he’s looking right through my windows. I feel naked all of a sudden; exposed. Like he can see all my thoughts, all my feelings, all the things I’ve ever been through, all the things I’ve ever wanted. I feel like he can see my pain, my hardships, and most of all my undying love for him, and only him. I’m staring back into his eyes, his bright, blue, piercing eyes, and I see colours. I see all the colours that I associate with Simon Snow. I see a robin’s egg blue for his eyes. I see a golden bronze for his soft head of curls. I see a pale brown for the colour of his moles that sprinkle his lightly tanned skin. I see yellow for his bright and vibrant personality. I see a scarlet red for his magic, just for the pure intensity of it. I see a purple for Penny’s hair and her friendship with him. I see a blonde color for Wellbelove and all the stupid, overrated, idiotic jealousy that she caused me over the years we were all at Watford and she had him. Her, not me. There was never any real connection between them, that much was obvious. It just seemed like it was meant to be, and they both went with it. I saw a rainbow of every color under the sun because that was Simon- colorful. He was a multitude of colors, and each one represented something different about his beautiful personality.

He blinks and drags me back to real life. He’s looking more at me now versus into me. I feel like… he knows me now, like, really knows me (and I know how cheesy that sounds; I’ve surprised even myself). He’s looking at me with this look in his gorgeous, dreamy- sorry. I’m doing it again. Anyway, he’s looking at me funny and I can’t quite place it. It’s something I’ve never seen in his eyes before- or, at least, definitely not when he’s looking at me. I find myself really, really, really wanting to kiss him. And then, whether it’s my doing or his, I don’t know (maybe both), I find that I am kissing him. And he’s kissing me back. And for once, I can’t even try to lie to myself- I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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