WELP ;-;

22 3 14

IM IN SO MUCH PAIN!!!!!!! MENTAL AND NOW PHYSICAL. Well mental is depression, obviously XDDD but physical IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!!

So for a while my back, right side of my neck was feeling really...in pain and then it spread to my right shoulder, then down my arm... I couldnt move my arm so I couldn't take notes in class...I can barley move without feeling harsh, sharp pain le cri XD so i wont be on as much, its now on my top back, the whole back of my neck, my right and left shoulder and arms and sometimes I can't walk properly, I have to limp XD I'm scared like really scared because this isnt normal and Im worried, my mental health is horrible but my physical health is getting really bad as well Idk what to do!!! But still, so I wont be on as much cuz I'll be in pain but screw it XD I was strong enough for my mental problems I CAN DO IT WITH MY PHYSICAL!!! Luckly I have hope and faith that everything will get better XD

so if im not on this is why

Stay happy~!

Be/Think Positive~!

Have Hope~!

Have Faith~!

Be Happy~!

So many of these XD~!


I'm done~!

See ya~!







tag da other ppl XD

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