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I tried to move, but I couldn't, I couldn't breathe or scream, I was frozen in fear. The mans frown turned into a crooked smile as he walked towards me and tugged at clothes, attempting to rip them as tears slid down my face, I was shaking and whimpering, despite how hard I was trying, I couldn't scream, I wanted to hurt him, I wanted to kill him for what he'd done to me. He had almost taken my top off when I saw another figure, the man that had destroyed my life was struck down by none other than Ian.

I hugged him tight as he carried me away from the body while max called the police, I was sobbing and screaming but he didn't mind, he put me down on he couch and held me in his arms. The rest of the night was a blur, I was still scared and couldn't talk, do Ian just carried me to bed, he held my in his arms all night, he was obviously wasn't going sleep, he just stroked my hair delicately, as if I would crumble under his touch, maybe I would. It should have felt wrong, I only met him today, but everything was right. I sat up and so did he "are you ok?" Ian said, I nodded. I moved in to kiss him, he moved away, I looked down "sorry" I mumbled quietly "I want to kiss you (y/n), but not like this, you're traumatised, you shouldn't do stuff that you will later regret" he said "I want to Ian" I say "shh.." He pulled me towards him and held me in his arms as I began to cry quietly, he kissed my forehead and held me in his arms for what felt like an eternity.

The sun has risen and Ian was a cross the room getting dressed, he put on his shorts and pulled a shirt over his head, he turned around while it was around head, he grinned at me "goodmorning" he said in the stupid voice he had used the day before, I smiled weakly back as I made an attempt to pull myself out of bed, resulting in me falling on my face. Ian ran over and picked me up, putting me back on the bed, "don't bother getting up, ill get Joji to bring you some breakfast while max and I go and get your parents" I smiled widely at the thought of seeing my parents, I had missed them so much, but as soon as Ian had left, I found myself craving his presence, and for the first time on a long time, I found myself craving someone entirely. When he held me, something just felt so right, but I couldn't fall for thoughts were interrupted by Joji coming in with a plate full of pancakes and bacon, he smirked at me "have you seen chef?" I laughed and reached out to grab the plate. Joji sat on the end of the bed as we talked for ages, he was incredibly funny, but Ian was funnier, and he was kind of attractive, but Ian was better looking, he was an incredible cook, but I'm sure Ian is better. Shit why does everything have to be about him? Why can't I enjoy this conversation with Joji? Sigh..

We heard the front door open and I jolted up and ran to the door, smiling from ear to ear, I saw mum and dad and hugged them tightly, Ian laughed and walked into the house, in a coversation with max. I was so happy to see my family again that I forgot the confusion I had about Ian.

My parents hugged Liss and I introduced them to Katherine, they all talked as I snuck away to see Ian. I walked into Max's room where he was filming a video with Ian, max smiled at the camera and back at Ian "speak of the devil, get the fuck over here (y/n)" I smiled and walked over, max pulled me towards him and pushed me into Ian's lap, he laughed and held me so I wouldn't fall out of his crossed legs I gave max a confused a look, he laughed and shook his head, he then turned to that camera "alright you cunts, I'd like to introduce you to, none other than the famous (y/n) I guess she's just gonna have to join this video today" after a couple of hours of filming a video where we did gross shit, we went out for dinner and then went home. "Who's up for some drinks?" We all cheered and began to do shots, Ian and I walked over to the kitchen and sat on a counter, we talked about a lot of things, life, money, pets and dreams, he took me to bed at 2am but we talked until 3, I look up at the ceiling smiling goofily as Ian snores loudly next to me, I kissed his forehead and asked myself a question I hoped I wouldn't have to

Am I falling for Ian Carter?

Side by side / Idubbbz X readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें