Chapter 1.

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Why am i not young  again?

When i was kid everything was so easy. My biggest problem was what toy to play with or what would my barbie wear.

When i was little i   remember that  world was so beautiful,so simple,but right now after 15 years everything has changed.

I used to smile all the time.

But not anymore. Not after what they had done to my familiy. The gangs.


,,God Jai you're acting like i am 4 years old.''

,,Please Rose..we have been talking about this before.''

,,I fucking know it but still i don't want to hide in this stupid place just because its too dangerous outside the city.'' i am a bit frustrated.

,,I know but..''

,,But what Jay?You're too big pussy to go outside of this stupid city?''

,,Majbe i'm just trying to protect you?'' he shouted

,,Maybe i don't give a shit!'' 

I have just bring my bag and ran outside.

,,Fucking  come back it's too dangerous Rose.'' Jason had  yelled behind me.

I just  don't give a fuck  about him or any of this gangster shit.


When i was sure i was far away from our camp i just relaxed a lot and strarted to explore place out of our city .Finaly i'm free.

I'm so tired and i don't feel my legs anymore.

I don't actually know where i am but as long as  Jason is not here to tel me it's too dangerous and things  like that i'm pretty fine.

God,this place is so much difrent  from our city.

Sky is very blue, sun is shining i don't know.. its kind of..beautiful.

,,Look who we have here'' a deep voice frightened me

,,W-who are y-you?''

,,That's not important right now. More important thing is that i found something i was trying to find  two years.'' he said with a smirk on his face.

,,And that was?''

,,You sweetheart.'' he said and  pushed his hands on my waist.

,,Fuck off u derk!'' i yelled into his face.

,,Mmm..i like bad girls!You must be good in bed honey!''

,,Too bad you'll never know that you pervert.''

,,That's enough!''  he shouted pissed by my answer.

,,You're coming with me.''

,,No,i'm not.''

 The last thing i remember was the hard pain  on my  head and then everything was black.


So that's 1st part :)

So sorry if there are some mistakes because english isn't my mother language.

Hope you like it ♥

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Gangs-Harry Styles FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt